NARROW GAUGE & SHORT LINE GAZETTE MAGAZINE-YEAR #11\All 6 Issues 1985 Good to Excellent Condition Individual Issue Table of Contents: Jan/Feb The Narrow Gauge Scene: Alley Oops by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge narrowgauge scene p. 18 Ore processing, part 5: the prototype bins & chutes by Hitzeman, John crusher mine ore structure p. 20 The Waterford blacksmith shop by Lehew, Kathy Ruble, Ken blacksmith shop p. 22 Ruth Mining Locomotives by Robinson, John diesel locomotive mining prototype p. 32 Scratchbuilding an ET & WNC boxcar by Cavalier, Julian boxcar et&wnc narrowgauge scratchbuild p. 36 Colorado & Southern 2-6-0 #22 in 1/2 inch scale by Crea, Joe 2-6-0 C&S drawing G narrowgauge steam p. 42 Florence & Cripple Creek 2-8-0 #11 by Gebhardt, Ed 2-8-0 baldwin drawing F&CC prototype steam p. 50 Up Clear Creek, pt.30: The Big 5 Tunnel House by Brunk, Harry drawing prototype structure p. 53 The Sawmill Chronicles, part 5: the live rolls by Shaffer, Reg sawmill p. 56 Building the Durango Press On3 Drag Flanger 01 by Graham, Hank DURANGOPRESS flanger kit narrowgauge O on3 p. 58 Yosemite Sugar Pine Lumber Co. saw filer's shack by Burgess, Jack logging sawmill structure p. 61 The Brazeau Lake Lumber Co. Sawmill by White, Gerald sawmill structure p. 63 Denver O.S. Train registers, train orders, other paper work by Steele, Rick operation trainorder p. 68 Virginia & Truckee Railroad car barn by Caviglia, Gary prototype structure V&T yard p. 74 Virginia & Truckee "West" Carson City Yard by Caviglia, Gary prototype V&T yard p. 76 Climax Patent Geared Locomotive by Dunn, Richard climax drawing prototype steam p. 79 | Mar/Apr The Narrow Gauge Scene: You artist you! by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge scene p. 20 The Scotch Girl Hoist House by Pecka, Jerry L. drawing hoist mine prototype structure p. 22 The Sawmill Chronicles, part 5: cutoff saw and dead rolls by Shaffer, Reg sawmill p. 28 The Southern Pine Lumber Company: HOn3 logging by LYNCH, WARREN hon3 narrowgauge on3 p. 30 The Rio Grande Southern Nuremburg Division part 1 by BISMARCK, WOLF G layout narrowgauge RGS trackplan p. 33 Scratchbuilding an ET&WNC gondola by Cavalier, Julian drawing et&wnc gondola narrowgauge prototype scratchbuild p. 38 Beaver, Burden or Benefit: Meet "Bucky" by MEEKER, DON beaver dam river p. 43 Forty foot wooden flat cars in West Virgina by FUTEJ, GERALD M. Robin, Max drawing flatcar freightcar prototype wood p. 45 Southern Pacific narrow gauge 4-6-0 #17 by Gebhardt, Ed 4-6-0 drawing narrowgauge prototype sp SPNG steam p. 49 Up Clear Creek, pt.31: C&S Cabooses by Brunk, Harry C&S caboose drawing narrowgauge prototype p. 52 Realistically Speaking, pt.10: Wood detailing a Porter 0-4-0 by NASH, GARY porter p. 58 A Caterpillar Blower (plans) by Roy, Bill drawing prototype p. 61 Ore processing, part 6: mill planing and layout by Hitzeman, John crusher mine ore structure p. 62 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A fire fighting car by Armitage, Al drawing fire modelmakers notebook prototype p. 68 Virginia & Truckee Miner's caboose #10 by Caviglia, Gary caboose drawing prototype V&T p. 76 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: The large Forneys by Andrews, Dick forney p. 80 | May/June The Narrow Gauge Scene: Rio Grande Southern work Goose #6 by Getz, Charlie galloping goose narrowgauge prototype RGS scene p. 18 Operations on the Waynesburg & Washington RR by Rainey, Lee narrowgauge operation prototype prr railroad p. 20 Merced on the Yosemite Valley RR Turntable in a reverse loop, turntable in a shelf corner by Pethoud, Robert W. corner merced sectional shelf trackplan yard p. 26 The Rebirth of California Narrow Gauge: The SRCRR by MACGREGOR, BRUCE p. 29 D&RGW K-37 #491 in Nn3 by KNAPP, THOMAS R. 2-8-2 D&RGW K37 N narrowgauge nn3 steam p. 32 East Broad Top RR & Coal Co., second #5 and #9 by Collins, Edmund 2-6-0 drawing EBT prototype steam p. 36 Ore Processing, part 7: building the ore bins by Hitzeman, John mine mining ore p. 39 Building 2-8-2 #492 in On3 by Cosgrove, Francis M. 2-8-2 narrowgauge O on3 steam superdetail p. 42 The Garden Railway: The Lincoln, Grand Island & Burlington by Horovitz, Marc G garden layout p. 48 Louisiana & Northern 4-6-0 #23 by Gebhardt, Ed 4-6-0 baldwin drawing prototype steam p. 50 Louisana & Northwest Caboose #211 (plans) by Gebhardt, Ed caboose drawing prototype p. 52 A truss rod bridge by Brunk, Harry bridge drawing trussrod p. 53 Up Clear Creek, pt.32: Colorado & Southern Truss Rod Bridge by Brunk, Harry bridge C&S drawing prototype trussrod p. 54 Placemat shingles - from bamboo-like placements by Hodges, Phil TITUS, JOHN shingle structure p. 56 CONX #5 Tank car by Crea, Joe CONX drawing G narrowgauge prototype tankcar p. 58 The Sawmill Chronicles, pt.6: The Edger by Shaffer, Reg p. 63 Virginia and Truckee Ore Car (plans) by Caviglia, Gary drawing prototype p. 66 Denver & Rio Grande stock car 5671 by Darr, Herman D&RGW drawing narrowgauge prototype stockcar p. 68 The Carson City Passenger Station: A Virginia & Truckee classic by Caviglia, Gary passenger station V&T p. 69 Virginia & Truckee RR Carson City General Offices & Station drawing prototype station structure V&T p. 70 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A most unusual bridge - skewed wooden Kingpost truss by Armitage, Al bridge kingpost modelmakers notebook prototype wood p. 74 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: Short line types by Andrews, Dick p. 80 | Jul/Aug The Narrow Gauge Scene: Out on a limb by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge scene p. 19 Southern Pacific Narrow Gauge 4-6-0 #13 in HOn3 by Clark, Heather 4-6-0 HO hon3 narrowgauge sp SPNG steam p. 22 HO Gauge Yosemite Valley Bulkhead Log Cars by Burgess, Jack bulkhead logcar logging YVRR p. 28 An inexpensive logging Mallet from a Mantua mallet by RUISINGER, JIM 2-6-6-2 articulated kitbash mantua steam p. 30 The Rio Grande Southern Nurnberg Division, pt.2: Some scenery ideas for LGB by BISMARCK, WOLF layout RGS p. 32 Carson & Colorado RR flatcar #105 by Darr, Herman C&C drawing flatcar narrowgauge prototype p. 35 Perspective Scenery: Pushing the walls back by Johnston, Hank perspective scenery p. 38 The Saint Clair Engine House in 1/4 inch scale by Schmauch, Gary enginehouse O structure p. 41 Ore Processing, part 8: the prototype gravity stamps by Hitzeman, John mine mining ore p. 46 Kentwood & Eastern #28, a 3-foot gauge 2-6-0 (plans) by Gebhardt, Ed 2-6-0 drawing prototype steam p. 50 A Colorful Lady in Sn3: A Gazette Award winner by BOOTH, JIM 2-8-0 baldwin D&RGW steam p. 52 The Marion Mine Tram: Table-top narrow gauge by Stephens, Robert mine narrowgauge tram p. 54 On18 Locomotive and Tram Cars (plans) by Stephens, Robert drawing mine prototype tram p. 55 Up Clear Creek, pt.33: The Hukill Mine Head and Ore Bins by Brunk, Harry drawing mine prototype p. 60 A Trip to Old Bull Head: A bit of whimsy by SIGMON, MICHAEL p. 66 Virginia & Truckee station at Carson City by Caviglia, Gary drawing prototype station structure V&T p. 70 The Sawmill Chronicles, pt.7: The Log Deck Hardware by Shaffer, Reg p. 72 The Modelmaker's Notebook: Another unusual bridge Little River Redwood Company, Cranell Bridge by Armitage, Al bridge drawing modelmakers notebook prototype p. 75 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: Porters on the Maine Two footers Part 1: Sandy River Cinderella by Andrews, Dick 0-4-4T drawing narrowgauge porter prototype sr&rl steam p. 80 | Sep/Oct The Narrow Gauge Scene: Reefer madness - D&RGW narrow gauge reefers by Getz, Charlie D&RGW freightcar narrowgauge narrowgauge prototype reefer scene p. 18 Ardenwood Regional Preserve Opens: The South Pacific Coast runs again by Brown, Bob SPC p. 20 Making sound cams quickly, easily, and inexpensively by MARKOVICH, FRANK CAM electronics sound steam p. 22 A Sierra Railway Gem: The Sonora, California station by Pethoud, Robert W. drawing prototype Sierra station p. 24 D&RGW Stock Car #5999 in Sn3: Critter hauler by BOOTH, JIM D&RGW stockcar p. 30 Another disconnected log truck by Stephens, Robert disconnects drawing logging prototype p. 33 The Leadville Mining Railroad by VAN AGGELEN, DANIEL HO mining module narrowgauge trackplan p. 35 The Ephriam & Peshtico builds a brace of combines by Houle, Thomas J. combine drawing narrowgauge oldtime passenger scratchbuild p. 38 Jefferson Dry Goods - a derelict store in 1/2 inch scale by Crea, Joe drawing G prototype store structure p. 42 The Sawmill Chronicles, part 8 - the log haul by Shaffer, Reg sawmill p. 48 Collins & Garrison #349 - 13-ton Shay by Gebhardt, Ed drawing narrowgauge prototype shay steam p. 50 Up Clear Creek, pt.34: The Stanley Mines Company by Brunk, Harry drawing mine structure p. 52 Camp 1 and Vicinity by Stephens, Robert layout lumber O trackplan p. 57 Ore processing: automatic feeders and amalgamating tables by Hitzeman, John mine ore p. 62 The Virginia & Truckee Carson City Enginehouse & shops by Caviglia, Gary drawing enginehouse prototype structure V&T yard p. 67 The Modelmaker's Notebook: An unusual water tank by Armitage, Al modelmakers notebook service steam watertank p. 75 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: Porters on the Maine two-footers part 2 Favorite fours by Andrews, Dick CRITTENDEN, H.T. 0-4-4 drawing narrowgauge porter prototype steam WW&F p. 80 The Truckee Jail by Everett, Keith drawing jail prototype structure p. 84 | Nov/Dec The Narrow Gauge Scene: More reefer madness - Colorado narrow gauge reefers by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge narrowgauge photo prototype reefer scene p. 16 Trackside signs for your railroad by Bigge, David sign trackside p. 19 An On3 freelanced track speeder by Rudko, Brian narrowgauge O on3 speeder p. 22 The Saco River Railroad by Foley, John HO hon30 layout narrowgauge trackplan p. 24 A Model T railcar in 1/2 inch scale by Morris, Kelley G MODELT railcar p. 30 Virginia & Truckee Carson City enginehouse by Caviglia, Gary drawing enginehouse prototype V&T p. 32 The Leaville & Denniston, an On3 saga by Love, Bob layout narrowgauge O on3 trackplan p. 34 The Kingfield, Twinlakes & Maine branchline railroad by WALSHAM, TONY HO layout narrowgauge trackplan p. 41 Up Clear Creek, pt.35: Farewell to Idaho Springs: Stanley Mines plan by Brunk, Harry drawing mine structure p. 46 Argent Lumber Company 2-6-2 #5 by Gebhardt, Ed 2-6-2 ALX drawing Lima narrowgauge prototype steam p. 50 A Quincy & Torch Lake rock car from a D&RGW gondola by Schaddelee, Leon gondola kitbash narrowgauge Q&TL p. 52 Three "railroads" to Monte Cristo by Chambers, George prototype shortline p. 57 The Sawmill Chronicles, part 9: the Mill Engine by Shaffer, Reg sawmill p. 64 Ore processing - part 10: Wilfley and Wilfley tables by Hitzeman, John mining ore p. 67 A 7-foot gauge pole-road engine by Stephens, Robert 0-4-0 drawing pole prototype steam p. 70 The Modelmaker's Notebook: The Kahuku Plantation Baldwin 0-4-0 by Armitage, Al 0-4-0 baldwin drawing modelmakers narrowgauge notebook prototype steam p. 76 | We have some 650+ NG&SL "Gazette" magazines to sell; some 'complete' sets; some sets by year; some individual copies; and some 'damaged' but still quite valuable as a Reference or just to reminisce about how great things use to be. This listing is specifically for the item pictured and listed in the title; nothing more; nothing less. No pages are torn, written on, cutout or other than Excellent Condition unless otherwise specified! See Our New HO-Scale Model Masterpieces Kits & Details! |