NARROW GAUGE & SHORT LINE GAZETTE MAGAZINE-YEAR #16\Individual Issues 1990 Good to Excellent Condition Individual Issue Table of Contents: Jan/Feb The Hemolga Mining Company by Blazek, Stanley mine structure p. 18 The Narrow Gauge Scene: Along the Uintah by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge narrowgauge prototype railroad scene Uintah p. 20 Chama to Cumbres in HOn3 by Johnson, James E. HO hon3 layout narrowgauge trackplan p. 23 Columbia River Portage Railroads, part 2 by Kieft, Daniel prototype railroad p. 26 An Sn3 Rotary for the Pleasant Valley Railroad by Hodges, Phil kitbash narrowgauge plow rotary S sn3 snowplow p. 33 Trees- Tie and Timber Short Line style, large firs by BEATON, TOM scenery tree p. 36 Getting ready to paint a brass locomotive, part 6: painting by Vail, Jim brass locomotive paint tuneup p. 39 Oahu Railway and Land Co. 10 ton 30' wooden flat cars by Dunlop, Jim drawing flatcar narrowgauge oahu prototype wood p. 44 An On3 fire fighting car by Penny, Richard fire mofw narrowgauge O on3 p. 46 Quartering Drivers by Pirie, Bill driver quartering steam p. 49 The Irish Bayou Lumber Co. 2-6-2 by Gebhardt, Ed 2-6-2 drawing prototype steam p. 50 Yosemite Valley, Virgina & Truckee Ry. RPO's by Caviglia, Gary drawing passenger prototype rpo V&T YVRR p. 56 Two Texas Narrow Gauge Short Lines by Lee, Albin 2-4-2 4-4-0 narrowgauge steam Texas p. 58 Rotten Old Ties and Rusty Tin Cans by Reynolds, Jeff clutter scenery trash p. 65 Up Clear Creek, pt.60: The "new" bridge at Forks Creek by Brunk, Harry bridge truss p. 68 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A Gallows Turntable, part 2 - the gallows and pit by Armitage, Al drawing gallows modelmakers notebook prototype turntable p. 72 D&RG Durango Sand House by Ewell, W.J. D&RGW durango sandhouse service steam structure yard p. 78 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: early railroads by Andrews, Dick p. 80 | Mar/Apr A freelanced "Tool Caboose" by Cavalier, Julian caboose mofw narrowgauge toolcar p. 18 Gas station in Santa Clara, Ca. by Caviglia, Gary drawing gas prototype station structure p. 22 Backdrop painting using Don Wheat's method by BEATON, TOM backdrop paint technique p. 24 RGS Hotel at Dolores by Blazek, Mike drawing hotel prototype RGS structure p. 28 The Narrow Gauge Scene: Modeling "sense" by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge scene smell sound p. 30 An HOn3 shelf layout, 16" x 79" by Gribi, Gilbert HO hon3 layout narrowgauge shelf trackplan p. 33 Tall Pine Timber Co. Railroad, about 15x20 O scale ctr op by Cereghino, Ron Dupont, Bob O trackplan p. 36 D&RG Chama Sand House by Ewell, W.J. chama D&RGW sandhouse service steam yard p. 40 Ticket to Tincup, part 1 by Shapiro, Dick HO hon3 layout narrowgauge town trackplan p. 44 The Nocturnal Chain Smoker by ROWE, DAVID animation cigarette p. 49 San Luis Southern/San Luis Valley Southern 2-6-0 #102 by Gebhardt, Ed 2-6-0 drawing prototype steam p. 50 Fly cranks & plaster - U.S. Gypsum Whitcomb by BAKER, STUART diesel drawing prototype whitcomb p. 53 How I did it - a 3/4n2 steam locomotive from my scrap box by Barney, Peter 2-6-0 narrowgauge scratchbuild steam p. 57 Columbia River Portage Railroads, part 3, the Dalles RR by Kraft, Daniel prototype railroad p. 60 Up Clear Creek, pt.61: The "New" Forks Creek Eating House by Brunk, Harry drawing prototype station structure p. 66 The Modelmaker's Notebook: a 3/8 inch scale rail truck by Armitage, Al modelmakers notebook railcar truck vehicle p. 70 Getting ready to paint a brass locomotive, part 7: painting by Vail, Jim brass locomotive paint tuneup p. 75 Oahu Railway and Land Co. 30' wooden box cars by Dunlop, Jim boxcar drawing narrowgauge oahu prototype wood p. 78 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: Wiscasset waterfront by Andrews, Dick harbor wiscasset WW&F p. 81 | May/June The Sn3 Degulbeef & Cradding RR part 1 - 13x25 "L" with leg by Zelkin, Alexander layout narrowgauge S sn3 trackplan p. 18 Ticket to Tincup, part 2: the Tincup Tram by Shapiro, Dick HO hon3 layout narrowgauge town p. 24 SR&RL caboose #551, flanger #505 by Dunlop, Jim caboose flanger mofw narrowgauge prototype sr&rl p. 28 D&RG Engine House by Ewell, W.J. D&RGW enginehouse narrowgauge prototype structure yard p. 30 The Skipping Child - jump rope animation by ROWE, DAVID animation JUMPROPE p. 32 The Ewa Plantation by Dunlop, Jim boxcar narrowgauge oahu oahu plantation prototype p. 34 Two Colorado Mining District Houses by Weston, Charles L. drawing house mining prototype structure p. 38 Scratch-building turnouts and track by Bruce, Andy crossover handlay scratchbuild switch track p. 42 The RGS Telluride Depot by Blazek, Mike depot narrowgauge prototype RGS station structure p. 45 Cordoba & Huatusco 2-foot gauge 2-6-0 by Gebhardt, Ed 2-6-0 drawing narrowgauge prototype p. 50 A Jig for Scratch Building Slide-valve Cylinders by Pirie, Bill cylinders jig scratchbuild steam p. 52 "South Parking" Delton's C-16 by Crea, Joe 2-8-0 c16 delton G p. 54 An HOn3 Westside Caboose by Vail, Jim caboose HO hon3 lumber narrowgauge WSL p. 59 A Venice Miniature Railway Inc. 18-inch gauge motor car by Brown, Bob Caviglia, Gary narrowgauge venice p. 64 The Narrow Gauge Scene: Let's get plastered Thomas York structure molds by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge plaster scene structure technique p. 66 Up Clear Creek, pt.62: A Floyd Hill truss bridge by Brunk, Harry bridge truss p. 68 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A Buffalo-Pitts Traction Engine by Armitage, Al drawing modelmakers notebook prototype steam tractor p. 73 FH Stolze Land & Lumber Co. Log Loader Crane by Stephens, Robert crane logging mofw narrowgauge p. 78 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: military narrow gauge by Andrews, Dick military narrowgauge prototype p. 82 | Jul/Aug 62-foot Howe pony truss bridge by Ewell, W.J. bridge drawing howe prototype truss p. 16 Scratch-building D&RGW passenger cars by Reid, Bob D&RGW narrowgauge passenger scratchbuild p. 18 Using CAD to build model railroad structures by LaVelle, Gehrig K. cad computer structure p. 22 The Sn3 Degulbeef & Cradding RR part 2 by Zelkin, Alexander layout narrowgauge S sn3 trackplan p. 25 Oahu Railway and Land Co. 34' wooden box cars by Dunlop, Jim boxcar drawing narrowgauge oahu prototype wood p. 30 Casting stone walls from body-putty masters by Malinowski, Roger casting stone structure technique wall p. 33 Mixed up Moguls on the Minneapolis, Lyndale & Minnetonka Where did #13 go? by TUFFORD, GARRIE L. 2-6-0 prototype railroad p. 37 Chama to Pagosa Springs in On3, 16x25 walk in by Parker, Lex A. D&RGW narrowgauge O on3 trackplan p. 44 A Venice Miniature Railway Inc. 18-inch gauge tourist trailer car by Caviglia, Gary narrowgauge venice p. 48 Teresa Chirstina Railroad meter gauge 2-6-6-2 by Gebhardt, Ed 2-6-6-2 articulated drawing narrowgauge prototype steam p. 50 Ticket to Tincup, part 3, trackplan by Shapiro, Dick HO hon3 layout narrowgauge town p. 52 SR&RL Pulprack car No. 330 by Dunlop, Jim drawing freightcar narrowgauge prototype pulpwood sr&rl p. 57 Modeling narrow gauge in 3/8 inch scale by North, Gordon narrowgauge p. 58 The Narrow Gauge Scene: Passenger cars of the Rio Grande Southern by Getz, Charlie narrowgauge narrowgauge passenger RGS scene p. 61 Up Clear Creek, pt.63: Stretching a good thing The Grandt HOn3 C&S caboose by Brunk, Harry C&S caboose grandtline HO hon3 kitbash narrowgauge p. 64 Building a little blacksmith's car in HOn3 by Cavalier, Julian blacksmith HO mofw narrowgauge p. 69 Uintah Ry Mack rail motor car #50 by Caviglia, Gary drawing mack prototype railcar Uintah p. 71 "Low side" gondolas the easy way by Vail, Jim gondola hon3 kitbash microengineering narrowgauge p. 74 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A Pino Grande square water tank by Armitage, Al drawing modelmakers notebook service steam watertank yard p. 77 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: Randolph on the Kennebec Central by Andrews, Dick prototype railroad p. 80 D&RGW C-21 outside frame 2-8-0 PBL model photo, back cover 2-8-0 D&RGW narrowgauge outsideframe photo steam p. 100 | Sep/Oct The Oahu Railway and Land Company by Whiton, Nat Jr. Hawaii oahu prototype railroad p. 18 Scratch-building Piston-Valve Cylinders by Pirie, Bill cylinders scratchbuild steam p. 24 The Saga of the Fancy Gap Railroad, ctr-op by Brandow, Ray HO layout narrowgauge trackplan p. 27 Coloring Plaster, etc. - walls, structures by Malinowski, Roger color paint plaster scenery p. 31 The scoop on skidders by Roehling, Pete logging SKIDDER p. 34 A simple garden railroad by Barney, Peter G garden layout trackplan p. 39 Thoughts on "super-kits" (expensive craftsman kits) by Vail, Jim craftsman kit p. 42 Ticket to Tincup, part 4, downtown business district by Shapiro, Dick HO hon3 layout narrowgauge town p. 45 D&RGW Chama coaling station by Ewell, W.J. chama coal D&RGW drawing narrowgauge prototype service steam p. 49 Sandra's Dry Goods by Wickersham, Lind store structure p. 54 SR&RL boxcars 121-145 by Dunlop, Jim boxcar drawing narrowgauge prototype sr&rl p. 59 Up Clear Creek, pt.64: Rolling stock variety C&S side-dump cinder cars by Brunk, Harry C&S gondola narrowgauge prototype p. 60 Cumberland & Susquehanna Railroad #4 by Mellander, Deane 2-6-0 nwsl spartan steam superdetail p. 63 Nevada-California-Oregon Railway motors 101 & 102 by Caviglia, Gary drawing gas-electric NCO prototype p. 66 The Narrow Gauge Scene: Passenger equipment of the Colorado & Southern by Getz, Charlie C&S narrowgauge narrowgauge passenger prototype scene p. 70 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A typical two-stall engine house by Armitage, Al drawing enginehouse modelmakers notebook p. 74 Extra Narrow Gauge Junction: The Phillips & Rangely Railroad by Andrews, Dick narrowgauge P&RRR prototype railroad p. 80 | Nov/Dec Scenery first - building an HOn30 construction railroad by O'Brien, Steve hon30 narrowgauge scenery p. 19 Sierra Ry Ford LCL Rail Truck/Cadillac Inspection Car by Caviglia, Gary automobile CADILLAC MODELT prototype railcar Sierra vehicle p. 22 Building Sn3 Passenger Cars with Duck-Billed Roofs by Stippes, Geoffrey narrowgauge passenger S scratchbuild sn3 p. 24 SR&RL Flatcar No. 417 by Dunlop, Jim drawing flatcar narrowgauge prototype sr&rl p. 29 RGS Variable height trestle bent by Ewell, W.J. bridge drawing narrowgauge prototype RGS trestle p. 31 Oahu Railway and Land Co. caboose #41 by Dunlop, Jim caboose drawing narrowgauge oahu prototype p. 33 Modifying the C.H.B. Mack AC Bulldog truck by Gribi, Gilbert mack O truck vehicle p. 35 Modeling a Cyanide Mill, part 1 by Konrad, George gold mill mine prototype structure p. 38 Ticket to Tincup, part 5, the outer business district by Shapiro, Dick HO hon3 layout narrowgauge town p. 47 Southern Ry. 3-foot gauge Baldwin 4-6-0 by Gebhardt, Ed 4-6-0 baldwin drawing narrowgauge prototype SR steam p. 50 George Sellios' "Accidental" fading technique by Sellios, George F&SM paint scenery structure weathering p. 53 Modeling an exploded sawmill by Boudreau, Bob logging sawmill structure p. 56 Lighting Structures by Vail, Jim lighting structure p. 60 Up Clear Creek, pt.65: Special service boxcars of the C&S by Brunk, Harry boxcar C&S narrowgauge p. 68 The Narrow Gauge Scene: Narrow gauge outfit cars of the D&RGW, part 1 by Getz, Charlie boxcar D&RGW mofw narrowgauge narrowgauge prototype scene p. 72 The Modelmaker's Notebook: A 1916 Garford 2-ton tank truck by Armitage, Al drawing modelmakers notebook prototype tank truck vehicle p. 74 | We have some 650+ NG&SL "Gazette" magazines to sell; some 'complete' sets; some sets by year; some individual copies; and some 'damaged' but still quite valuable as a Reference or just to reminisce about how great things use to be. This listing is specifically for the item pictured and listed in the title; nothing more; nothing less. No pages are torn, written on, cutout or other than Excellent Condition unless otherwise specified! We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. If you have a question, please ask & we typically will answer very quickly. The image(s) best describes this item & design. Thank you for your business! See Our New HO-Scale Model Masterpieces Kits & Details! |