3/32" Wide Board Scribed Siding/Decking (Sheet Size: Thick x 3-1/2" Wide x 12" Long)
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for N / HO / S / O Scales
High quality scribed basswood sheathing with 1/16" wide boards as shown in the image for O, S, HO & N scale ready to cut to size and weather. Really, you don't know a really easy and fast way to stain Wood, Resin, Hydrocal & LabStone castings? Just Ask Doctor Ben!
Here's a Doctor Ben's idea weathering/stressing this product:
Below are some more samples of the Doctor Ben's Fine Scale NailHole Tool used on various surfaces such as smooth cardstock, plastic, metal, wood & Hydrocal
Also available from Doctor Ben's, Fine Scale Miniatures has always been know for its "staggered" clapboards and for years the material to emulate them has never been available until now! Doctor Ben's now has available for your models building .
Each sheet is a full 6 inches wide and 12 inches long. Now all you have to do is reverse your plans, tape them to the back of this material and start a cutting and you can have FSM siding on your structure!
As always, if you have a question, please ask!
NOTE: The 24" length items require a larger than normal box to ship with additional items. When ordering, please add a note to your order that we may cut this 24" long sheet into two 12" long pieces. This will save you from having to pay additional postage for a box with a bunch of packing material in it. As always, if you have a question, please ask!