Benton Express TRUCK KENWORTH T/T & 45ft Trailer M70513
This is for a single listing of the above 'TITLED' item. We currently have numerous similar items to this listed in various categories.
The above image best describes this Listing. These Emergency, Delivery Trucks/Vans, Autos, Buses, Horse-Drawn Wagons May have/may not have people. If you see people in the image it's a safe bet that there are 1/64 people in the box. If a box is shown in the image the box for this/these vehicle(s) pictured are in Excellent to Fair condition. However, the vehicles and people (if any) are probably brand new and never taken out to be played (unless stated)—just collectors. As always, when in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS!
We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. If you have a question, please ask & we typically will answer very quickly. The image(s) best describes this item & design. Thank you for your business!