Rustic Stone & Frame Factory Kit O Scale #9105 & HO
Scale #3105
Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises is now Scale Model
YES, we originally re-released this Thomas
A. Yorke Ent. 1978 kit in HO & O Scales in July 2015
NO, we did not give anyone permission to
"Copy" it's design, components, and/or name.
Yes, we attempted to contact this person
several times asking him to refrain from selling a
plagiarized copy of our COPYRIGHTED product.
No, the imitation product does not contain
any of the tons of products and details that are included in
the Scale Model Masterpieces/Thomas A. Yorke Ent. kit.
as we've been told by a few customers who fell for the
imitation, that the quality and attention to detail
including the lack of details is more than a little
disappointing. Buyer Beware-You get what you pay for!
Also, NOT included in the immation kit is
the SMM/Yorke "Out Building" for the Rustic Stone &
Frame Factory Kit (HO & O Scales) which is
available as a separate structure kit. The new kit known as
the" Short Line Freight Shed & Boiler" kit will be basically
the same as the Out Building only with a bunch of "stuff"
added. The Short Line Freight Shed & Boiler kit will also
include stone remnants of what was once the stone wall for a
boiler room as well as a free-standing vertical boiler
(shown in the above image), and a bunch of boxes, barrels
and stacked sacks and other stuff.
Rustic Stone & Frame Factory Kit #9105 (O Scale) & #3105 (HO
Scale) and lots more information are here-
this Link!.
This 1978 Thomas A. Yorke Ent kit (Now Scale Model
Masterpieces) is received a whole new (and some
original) update. Just for the record, this kit is NOT four
Hydrocal© walls glued together with windows & doors stuck in
as a quickie kit. Folks, this IS a craftsman kit with high
quality LabStone/Dental Stone, bubble-free castings and lots
of cutting and fitting of wood, plastic, Labstone parts and
components that is going take more time than a quickie kit.
However, when you have constructed one of our kits, you may
be compelled to take it to a model contest, and no, you
would not be the first to do so. We know of many who have
already done so, so do you best! Continued
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