15% Off Cyber Week Special!

  So, did you eat too much turkey, fall asleep, and miss out on our Cyber Monday Special? This is your lucky day! We thought that we would help out by making this an extended event! Welcome to our very first Cyber Week End Special!

Cyber Week End Special Starts Now! Spend $24.99 & Get 15% Off Almost Everything* in our www.debenllc.com website! Use Code: cws16

  Want More? Friend & write a Review for us on Our facebook Page and receive FREE USPS Postage!
  Simply go to our  DEBEN LLC-Products & Publications Facebook Page (NOT the same as the Fan page) CLICK the "Friend" button and then post a Comment of how you like DEBEN LLC-Products & Publications. And be sure to Invite your Friends to Like our facebook Page, too! We'll see the like and send your the FREE Shipping Code! NOTE: Offer only good on the www.debenllc.com website and NOT in Ebay Store!

* Out-of-Production Kits & Built-Up Models NOT included!


DEBenLLC Product Spotlight

Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises is now Scale Model Masterpiecesthe Rustic Stone & Frame Factory Kit        O Scale #9105 & HO Scale #3105

Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises is now Scale Model Masterpieces

YES, we originally re-released this Thomas A. Yorke Ent. 1978 kit in HO & O Scales in July 2015

NO, we did not give anyone permission to "Copy" it's design, components, and/or name.

Yes, we attempted to contact this person several times asking him to refrain from selling a plagiarized copy of our COPYRIGHTED product.

No, the imitation product does not contain any of the tons of products and details that are included in the Scale Model Masterpieces/Thomas A. Yorke Ent. kit.

Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises is now Scale Model Masterpieces And, as we've been told by a few customers who fell for the imitation, that the quality and attention to detail including the lack of details is more than a little disappointing. Buyer Beware-You get what you pay for!

 Also, NOT included in the immation kit is the SMM/Yorke "Out Building" for the Rustic Stone & Frame Factory Kit (HO & O Scales) which is available as a separate structure kit. The new kit known as the" Short Line Freight Shed & Boiler" kit will be basically the same as the Out Building only with a bunch of "stuff" added. The Short Line Freight Shed & Boiler kit will also include stone remnants of what was once the stone wall for a boiler room as well as a free-standing vertical boiler (shown in the above image), and a bunch of boxes, barrels and stacked sacks and other stuff.
Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises is now Scale Model Masterpieces     the Rustic Stone & Frame Factory Kit #9105 (O Scale) & #3105 (HO Scale) and lots more information are here-                     Follow this Link!.

  This 1978 Thomas A. Yorke Ent kit (Now Scale Model Masterpieces) is received a whole new (and some original) update. Just for the record, this kit is NOT four Hydrocal© walls glued together with windows & doors stuck in as a quickie kit. Folks, this IS a craftsman kit with high quality LabStone/Dental Stone, bubble-free castings and lots of cutting and fitting of wood, plastic, Labstone parts and components that is going take  more time than a quickie kit. However, when you have constructed one of our kits, you may be compelled to take it to a model contest, and no, you would not be the first to do so. We know of many who have already done so, so do you best!           Continued Here ...