Happy St Patrick's Day 2017!


 Now that all the Winter hub-bub is almost over, it's time to get back to building models once again! Let's kick off the Celebration by spending $10 & maybe buying something  GREEN  to get a  St. Patrick's Day 17% off  your whole order. 

 The easiest way to find something GREEN  is to go to our www.DEBenLLC.com Home Page and type in the word " GREEN " in the Search box. 


  In case you missed it in a previous DEBen LLC Newsletter, we'll update you! We have 13 Brand New Junk Piles added to our website. These HO (multiple-scale) Assorted Junk Piles are unfinished Hydrocal® by a retired customer made for us to help you detail your model scenes & layouts. Use Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains and Solutions to finish & weather.

The  St. Patrick's Day 17% off website Special is NOT available in the debenllcp-p Ebay Store!

  When you search our website for "GREEN", 30 items will show up on your Browser and then for some good Irish Luck add one Green Item to your $10+ Shopping Cart. If you don't follow these instructions, it's just like searching for a Leprechaun's pot-o-gold at the end of the rainbow, the below code may not work for you.
 This is a one-time use,
 St Patrick's Weekend Special world-wide website only special ending Sunday, March 19, 2017 at midnight, Eastern Daylight Saving Time. Use the Code:   GREEN  NOTE: Buying something GREEN is NOT required to get the 17% Off, but spending $10 & the Code is Required. The green thing is just trying to have a little fun in these challenging times.

Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium-All Four Weathering Stain Set Special & How To Booklet #2

*NEW* Doctor Ben's 4-Piece Special Weathering Solution Set-4-4 oz Bottles!This is a first time ever opportunity that DEBenLLC is offering all four (4) Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain Sets. This four set offer includes only one (1) How To booklet & NO Junk Piles! We will allow up to three (3) substitutions (duplicates in this 4-Set Special are: Orbisonia Green, Depot Olive Green, Depot Buff, Antique White, Rustic Barn Red, & Rail Brown), which MUST be listed in the "Comments" of the Order at the bottom of the Check Out page. 

No Comments = No Substitutions!

And yes, the new Stains Timberline Green and Faded Slate Gray are included as part of this set.

About This Product:
  This product works best in conjunction with other Doctor Ben's Weathering Products as well as competitor products. We recommend trying Realistic Rust on top of Instant Age and vise versa. As with all of our products, for the ultimate realism, apply turning your object upside down allowing gravity to pull the residue to the top of the protrusions. This way when you turn it right side up, the residue is not running down towards the bottom of the models and the effect looks just like real life.... More information CLICK HERE!


1920s/60s Pre-Stressed (Tilt Up) Concrete modular building sections "Image" Update!

*NEW* Doctor Ben's 4-Piece Special Weathering Solution Set-4-4 oz Bottles!  We finally finished the updating the Images for this product line. This was done because some customers have had a difficult time viewing the drawings for this product and mistaking them for more modern, smooth side pre-cast industrial walls.
  As you will be able to see in the new images we show the actual wall castings, doors and/or windows (if included) as well as the original "prototype" image and drawing.
  Watch for upcoming Newsletter where we show Step-by-Step construction, finish, & weathering Techniques for this product line. I will be using "OOPS!" wall section so the finished model may show more distress than a brand new, well cared for building. Stay tuned!


Commercial/Industrial A/C Units   HO, S & O Scales!

*NEW* Doctor Ben's 4-Piece Special Weathering Solution Set-4-4 oz Bottles!Commercial/ Industrial A/C Unit-Large #1, #2, #3, & #4 (1pc-1-1/8 x 3/4” x 7/8” Tall) Enter Quantities in Box Under the  Unit Number!   

Does you empire need some serious cooling power?
Scale Model Masterpieces Heavy Duty Commercial/Roof Top A/C Units

Popular Mechanics A/C History:

 1902 Willis Carrier invents the Apparatus for Treating Air for the Sackett-Wilhelms ... Story Continued HERE!

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Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising. Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever