Shortline/Industrial Engine House Kit in
HO (foot print: 9-3/8"lg x 6"wide)
The most challenging & complex step of constructing this
kit is the truss assembly. SEE image below ... We've not
opened up this kit to accept Reservations, but one
incentive will be the Free Inspection Pit & Bridge Plate for
those who Reserve early. Tentatively, shipping may begin as
early as August 16th. Fingers crossed!
A few Newsletters ago we mentioned that are "finally"
going back to the Shortline/Industrial
Engine Shed Kitsin HO & O Scale AND the
Shortline/ Industrial
Engine House Kit, also in HO & O Scale! It has
been since 2010 that we first introduced the Shortline/Industrial
Engine Shed Kit in HO scale and, it is finally
time that we brought back it's big brother.
For those of you not familiar with the
"big brother" Shortline/Industrial
Engine House Kit, way back in 1986 Tom Yorke Ent.
offered this amazing Two-Stall Engine House (pictured below) is
larger (foot print: 9-3/8"lg x 6"wide) two-track wide and
twice as long as it little brother the Engine Shed.
Since this kit is so popular just the way it was first
offered 31 years ago, above and below are "In Progress"
images of this kit which will be offered with lots of time
saving options such as the Precision Cut trusses requiring
assembly; aLaser Cut Truss Set; and for those who are a ble
to build the trussed from a template and would like to
save some bucks, we have a template only option!
And would you like to have the Option to add a second set
of doors and open up the Engine House to be able to allow
the locomotive to drive through? Yep, that option will also
be available and more like Inspection pits, and more. Stay
tuned for all the updates in the next few week! It's going
to be Great! |