Staying Home for the Holidays!
 Hopefully, you're not one of the millions of folks who will be staying over this upcoming Holiday period. But if you are traveling we pray that you take extra precaution when gathering with friends & family members during your travels. The health folks are saying this this recent COVID spike is a direct result of small family gatherings over the recent Thanksgiving Season
  We received the following Feedback the other day: Hello, a few days ago I used the Driftwood stain I recently purchased from you and I want to give you a gigantic THANK YOU!! You have really nailed the old Floquil Driftwood stain that a lot of modelers are still weeping and gnashing their teeth over its demise. I have a new bottle of the Floquil Driftwood (solvent base) and I did samples compared to your Driftwood and after they both dried I honestly could not tell them apart - and yours is much friendlier to use. I already saw that you shipped my new order that has more of the Driftwood along with some of your other colors I want to try but I'm sure they will be as excellent as the Driftwood. I build HO scale models, mostly from wood, and your Driftwood will be the first thing I grab to use as a fine basecoat for any color or as finish coat with only a light stain over it. Again, thank you, K.O, MI 
  Also, a last minute announcement, over the years Customers have inquired about purchasing the Pigment Sampler Case with 12 screw-on lids. Unfortunately, Our supplier for thesecases has NOT survived the COVID Pandemic and the business has closed its door! We are searching high and low for a suitable replacement, but until the the cases are NOT available individually. We will let you know as soon as we find something. Till then we'll See You in the Hobby Room with washed hands and wearing face masks...
Some of our DEBenLLC Most Popular Products, too!
 Wouldn't this be a great time to earn a $2,500 Reward ... How about two rewards? And it's as easy as speaking with your friends, too! 
  As you may already be aware, we have both (2) of our businesses (Doctor Ben's & Scale Model Masterpieces) up for sale. We are offering you a $2,500 Reward for referring a successful buyer for either business that has not yet been sold. Should your referral purchase both business your receive $5.000! WOW! Wouldn't this make a great Holiday? Think of all the presents that you could buy and maybe a few for yourself, too!
  So you are wondering how? Use your Social Media account, email, text, Club Meeting to let your friends and family know about our opportunity and be sure to tell them to share with us that YOU referred them. The moment that they pull out of our driveway with their truck all loaded up, we'll reach out to you to find out where to send your Reward! It will be the easiest money that you've ever earned! Got questions? Just Ask!
Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium
CLICK on each of the Below Category Boxes to finds each Product!
and How-To, Mags & DVDs & Building Material, too!
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Got Questions or Need Help to place an Order? Please Ask!
Some of our DEBenLLC Most Popular Products, too!
Scale Model Masterpieces/Thomas Yorke Ent.
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CLICK on each of the Above Category Boxes to finds each Product!
Got Questions or Need Help to place an Order? Please Ask!

Some of our DEBenLLC Most Popular Products, too!


  Thank you again for an amazing opportunity of providing you with our original hobby products Be sure to share this newsletter with your friends. Word-of-mouth is our only source of advertising. Many thanks for your continued business.

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Richard  & Debbie Bendever.

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DeBenLLC Website!