Hardeeville/Argent Lumber Co. Water Tank & Pump House Kit

Scale Model Masterpieces 1:48 "Brand New Release in O Scale!"

Originally offered in 1977 by Thomas A Yorke Ent. as an O Scale kit  available in three or four scales (maybe).

The prototype for this former Thomas A Yorke Ent (now Scale Model Masterpieces) kit was built for the Argent Lumber Co. of Hardeeville, South Carolina in the USA. The Hardeeville tank was located in the mill yard and was used up until the close of the road in 1956. The spout clearance was only 8 feet above rail head and was used for engines such as the N.B. & W. 2-6-0 (imported by L.M.B. some years back) which became Argent #2.

  If additional height is necessary for your application, one or more of the following changes from prototype can be used: 1) the four (4) upright bent beams may be cut higher/lower than prototype (see "high bent" drawing), 2) drop the track leading to the tank and install a retaining wall as in the color photo, or 3) install the tank with 1 spout on a hillside. Study the plans and read through ALL of the instructions BEFORE any construction is started.

  This Pump House kit was originally designed by Tom Yorke with the help of Mallory Hope Ferrell's book “ARGENT Last of the Swamp Rats.” Since the structure is square, the walls may be arranged as you see fit. The drawings show it as near as we can tell it was. The structure is a very simple one to assemble and should go together quite easily.

The majority of this kit is a Thomas A Yorke original water/oil tank, wood, NBWs, a tank pipe/spout assemblies, plumbing parts and detailed instructions and images.

Next O Scale kit will be the "Bellgrade Lumber Co" Water Tank in a few months. Right now, we working on "the RUSTIC STONE & FRAME FACTORY" kits first in HO and later in O Scale. Read about the progress in our DEBenLLC Newsletter (website, NOT ebay store).

FYI Pilot Model construction by Richard E. (Ben) Bendever and weathered using Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains, Solutions & Pigments as described in the kit instructions.

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