*NEW* FEATURE! Hollow CastTower Sections included for a*LIGHTED* Tower! This kit comes withthebeautifullydetailedThomasAYorkcastingof stone,wood,andbrick.Firstofferedin1979. Tom Yorke based the design of this model from the Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes 2 foot railroad in the State of Maine.This railroad pioneered the use of large 2-foot gauge rolling stock in North America. In addition to replacing the 'original' Thomas Yorke design of corrugated metal for the roof, the 'original' 1979 minimalisticstainingandweatheringinstructionshavebeenupdatedtocurrentlyavailableproductsincludingeasytolearntechniquesinthe Doctor Ben's How-To #2:"TheABC'sofStainingCastings"8-page color booklet & instructional. Thiskitincludesfull-sizedrawings(THUMBNAILRight),ninecastingsfrommeticulouslyhand-carvedmasterpatterns, KapplerScaleLumber,Grantlinewindows, doors & roofdetail, Sequoia ModelProducts white metalcastings, Smooth-On ColorCast Standing Seam Copper roofingmaterial,full-pageupdatedconstructionandweatheringinstructions, andDoctorBen's "TheABC'sofStainingCastings"forcreateaprizewinningmodel.Thefoot print of this fantasticmodel is 4" wide by 3" deep.Construction should onlytake a few nights especiallyif you follow theinstructions and use DoctorBen's products to finish themodel! *NEW* FEATURE! Hollow CastTower Sections for a*LIGHTED* Tower! If you purchased an earlier version with solid Tower Section and would like to have a hollow-cast Tower, we have have available hollow-cast Tower Section for $14.95. This item comes with changes to the original instructions for the installation and finish of this addition. NOTE: You have to have purchased the SMM kit version prior to this announcement in order to purchase the hollow-cast Tower Sections. All Rubbles kits now come with the hollow-cast Tower Sections. Want to know what others thinkabout this kit? Read the Charlie Getz Review in the . Aboveis the theDrawing Sheet forthiskit.Instructionsarefull-sizeLASERprintedandincludedis acolorimage! Thisisanoriginal ThomasAYorkeEnterprisescastingnowownedbyDEBENLLCProducts&Publications. Backwoods Ramshackle Engine Shed Kit by Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises/Scale Model Masterpieces HO/HOn3/HOn2/HOn30
Yes, this kit is in production and yes, folks are purchasing it & (hopefully) building it. This is too beautiful of a kit to leave it in the box! The accompanying images showing the Ramshackle construction 'in-progress' is the "Practice" Pilot Model. We I am done with this practice model I will begin constructing the 'real' Pilot Model for this kit. The practice pilot will is NOW Available for purchase. This rare *illusive* Ramshackle Engine Shed kit will accommodate HOn2-1/2 / HOn30/HOn3 engines with a maximum length of 31'-10". The Interior footprint of this facility measures 1.425"W x 1.545"T x 4.400"L. New Improvements to this kit are: - Detailed Instructions
- Stone Foundation
- Stepped Shake Shingles
- Plotter-Cut Roofs
- Grandt Line Details
- Kappler Scale Lumber
- Easy-to-Do Weathering & Finishing Techniques
- Working Doors
- Full-Size Plans
This kit features beautifully detailed Thomas A York Hydrocal?? castings, Grandt styrene details, plotter-cut roof sections to size, full-size drawings (THUMBNAIL BELOW shows reduced size), scale lumber and detailed construction and weathering instructions. The ladders, barrels & oil drums pictured are included in this kit. This is kit was produced in the early 1980s and is part of a four-piece set produced by Thomas A Yorke. The Water Tank, Fuel Tank & Turntable in the picture are NOT included & WILL be available separately very soon! NOW Available: Industrial Engine Shed Craftsman Kit by Scale Model MasterpiecesHO/HOn3/HOn2/HOn30 Thiskitcomeswiththebeautifullydetailed*originalThomasAYorkcastingofstone,wood,andbrickfirstofferedin1979astheIndustrialEngineHouse(re-releaseComingSoon!).Theconstruction,assembly, staining,andweatheringinstructionshavebeen*significantly* updatedtocurrentlyavailableproductsincludingeasytole |