Ben's How-To #3: Weathering
and Painting Using Weathering Pigments
The Doctor Ben’s Industrial Weathering Pigments are not just a
powder or a chalk: they are the real industrial pigments, with polymer binder
adhesives built in—that enables them to stick to anything. Really! Fortunately,
when you are finished, the pigments do wash
off your hands with ordinary soap and water (the foaming liquid hand soap works
the best), but you might want to wear old clothes or a cover-up.
Excerpt from How-To #3 Booklet ...
Models/Scenes With Doctor Ben’s Industrial Weathering Pigments
I will try to keep this short, because,
realistically, the process doesn’t take an hour from start to finish. The
materials used for this project are as follows: a can of inexpensive flat black
paint; one container of Doctor Ben’s Fresh Dry Rust Industrial Weathering
Pigment (#1374); one jar of Doctor Ben’s Aged Driftwood Weathering Stain
(#1097); one jar of Doctor Ben’s Instant Age Weathering Solution (#1152); an
inexpensive pump hairspray (if necessary); Sharpie® permanent markers in a few
colors (optional); a short-bristled, soft, but stiff brush (the brush in the
photo is a Floquil brush that has been cut off short); and a small container of
water to wash out the brush (if you need to). Access the entire How-To #3 booklet and read the Rest of the How-To Booklet ... CLICK Here!