This Month's "Tips & Tricks"

Doctor Ben's Weathering ProductsDoctor Ben Ready-To Use Weathering Solutions
The Doctor Ben’s Weathering Solutions are the original products that I used to describe in my NMRA & Train Show weathering clinics many years ago. Originally, I simply mixed the Industrial Weathering Pigments with Isopropyl rubbing alcohol and applied them with a brush, allowing gravity and capillary actions to do most of the work. This resulted in a more three dimensional affect than previous efforts.
  Another technique of creating aDoctor Ben's Antique White Weathering Stainweathering solution involved using shoe dye and was penned by Wayne Wesolowski in his article "Dr. Weso’s Weathering Goop" (Railroad Model Craftsman, September 1977, pg 38).
  Many other folks have come up with their own concoctions, including George Sellios, whose Fine Scale Miniatures instructions detail how to use an India ink and alcohol mixture. The FSM technique was an improvement over Wayne Wesolowski’s shoe dye technique for a couple of reasons.Continued Here ...


How-To Technique: Palletized Products Posted by Richard E. (Ben) Bendever to Tips & Techniques

   I will be the first to confess that this technique is NOT the construction of a complete pallet. This technique is to "create" the illusion that the detail/stack is resting on a pallet. For this How To Technique, I will use HO scale 2" x 4"s about 9/16" long for the risers which enable a forklift or pallet jack to get under the pallet to lift it and move it. Continued Here ...


Kitbashing Ideas for the G-Street Warehouse Kit ...

  Some folks have mentioned that they already have a G-Street Warehouse Kit (from 1984) but no where to put this monster ... How about converting it into a Backdrop structure?

At right is a couple of suggestions of how to "kitbash" the G-Street Warehouse into a Backdrop kit. Don't let our suggestions limit the possibilities; it's your pike, arrange them to suit your needs! Also available are Concrete Backdrop Kits #1 & #2 ... no limits to the possibilities!

  As part of our Upcoming "Scratch Buildin' Series", we will offer all four walls, roof, loading docks and doors of this kit for individual purchase. Interested? Let us know!

  Want a NOS (New Old Stock) G-Street Warehouse Kit from 1984 complete with original Instructions and original Hydrocal castings?  CLICK HERE!

Sorry, only one NOS kit available ...

Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising.

 Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever