Welcome to the Summer Solstice! Whew!

    Greetings & a very Happy Summer Solstice! WOW! It’s really hot here for Georgia this time of the year. We’ve not quite gotten to 100 degrees, but we’ve had a few Georgia counties around us that have now had their first triple digit temperature already this year. YIKES!
   I’ve heard some chatter about our upcoming "weathering stain & solution" changes. Some folks are excited and a few are concerned how these changes will affect their modeling experience. So I thought that I would share some images and information about one of the many models that I stained and weathered using my original formula that I used for my models and for some of the Doctor Ben’s products at that time.
  Say hello to "J.W. Wencich Manufactory" and yes, it started out as a plastic Pola kit and went on to be awarded 3rd Place at the NMRA National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia in the Summer of 1995. And yes, the stain and weathering are all Doctor Ben’s weathering stains & solutions which were all water based products that I used and sold way back then. Read much more  about this unique contest model by clicking on the image and read about on  the website. 
  That’s it for today. We’ll see you in the Modeling Room & if you wander out into the world; Please Be Safe!
Wood Bushel Baskets with Open and/or Closed Lids (8pcs)
California Freight & Details HO/HOn3/1:87-Scale
Description for this item:... Trash/Garbage Cans with Open and/or Closed Lids (8pcs) Choose: 8 w/Lids, 8 wo/Lids and 4each with & without Lids CALIFORNIA FREIGHT & DETAILS HO/HOn3/1:87-Scale Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED Natural Resin or Color-Cast Resin parts & Finish Required. No Assembly needed. Use Doctor Ben's Hypo-Cement to attach tiny delicate parts as well as most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. ... Part Number: SMM2480H Availability: Brand New Product!
STACKS 'O SACKS-Laying On Ground (and all kinds of other configurations!)
Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Cal Freight) N, HO, S, & O Scale
   One of our best kept secrets as this Stacks o' Sacks in a bunch of configurations of pictured at right to boxcar loads! And we show lots of images of how the stacks look next the scale figures, too!
  Scale Model Masterpieces Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED Resin,and/or High Quality Labstone castings & Finish Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Got Questions? Always Ask Doctor Ben!  CLICK HERE to see sack options ...
Crates & Boxes, Oh My! (and all kinds in many sizes!)
Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Cal Freight) N, HO, S, & O Scale
   Wood boxes to plywood boxes, we've got so many; too many to list pictured at right! And we show lots of images of how the boxes look next the scale figures, too!
  Scale Model Masterpieces Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED Resin,and/or High Quality Labstone castings & Finish Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Got Questions? Always Ask Doctor Ben!  CLICK HERE to see them ...
Who's Got Your Roof Vent & A/C Details (all sizes & shapes in many scales!)
Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Cal Freight) N, HO, S, & O Scale
   We've got so many Roof Vents & A/C Units in all scale; there are too many to list shown at right and on the website! And we show lots of images of how the Vents & A/C units look next the scale figures, too!
  Scale Model Masterpieces Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED Resin,and/or High Quality Labstone castings & Finish Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Got Questions? Always Ask Doctor Ben!  CLICK HERE to see them ...

Doctor Ben's Weathering ProductsDoctor Ben Ready-To Use Weathering Solutions
The Doctor Ben’s Weathering Solutions are the original products that I used to http://www.debenllc.com/How-To-1-Art-of-Turning-Toys-into-Models-Booklet-Doctor-Bens-Scale-Consortium-_p_11.htmldescribe in my NMRA & Train Show weathering clinics many years ago. Originally, I simply mixed the Industrial Weathering Pigments with Isopropyl rubbing alcohol and applied them with a brush, allowing gravity and capillary actions to do most of the work. This resulted in a more three dimensional affect than previous efforts.
  Another technique of creating a Doctor Ben's Antique White Weathering Stainweathering solution involved using shoe dye and was penned by Wayne Wesolowski in his article "Dr. Weso’s Weathering Goop" (Railroad Model Craftsman, September 1977, pg 38).
  Many other folks have come up with their own concoctions, including George Sellios, whose Fine Scale Miniatures instructions detail how to use an India ink and alcohol mixture. The FSM technique was an improvement over Wayne Wesolowski’s shoe dye technique for a couple of reasons. Continued Here ...

Doctor Ben's Rustic Barn Red Weathering Stain #1089
Original Doctor Ben's Barn Red Stain! 

  Using this Doctor Ben's Product: Ever since 1991 we have offered Doctor Ben's Aged Driftwood Weathering Stain as a non-petroleum, identical color match replacement for the long defunct Floquil Flo-Stains© products; especially Floquil Driftwood stain made famous by the Fine Scale Miniatures kit instructions of the 1970s to present.
  Thousands of jars of Doctor Ben's Aged Driftwood Weathering Stain have been sold with equally thousands of satisfied customers. This product is designed to be applied as a stain and should not affect integrity of the material to which it is applied. A good rule of thumb that we feel best describes the coverage of the Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains is that one coat will provide a light coverage; two-three coats will provide a medium coverage and four or more coats with build up, the more porous the surface, the more difficult it is to remove, so test a small less noticeable area before the Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain is applied to the entire model/project.  And Read about all the great uses in our How To #2 "The ABC's of Staining Castings & Models" booklet and in our website Blog (June 2015 Archives). "We Turn Toys into Models!"

How-To Technique: Palletized Products Posted by Richard E. (Ben) Bendever to Tips & Techniques

   I will be the first to confess that this technique is NOT the construction of a complete pallet. This technique is to "create" the illusion that the detail/stack is resting on a pallet. For this How To Technique, I will use HO scale 2" x 4"s about 9/16" long for the risers which enable a forklift or pallet jack to get under the pallet to lift it and move it. Continued Here ...

Trash/Garbage Cans with Open and/or Closed Lids (8pcs)
Scale Model Masterpieces N/Nn3/1:160

Description for this item:... Trash/Garbage Cans with Open and/or Closed Lids (8pcs) Choose: 8 w/Lids, 8 wo/Lids and 4each with & without Lids CALIFORNIA FREIGHT & DETAILS N/Nn3/1:160-Scale Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED Natural Resin or Color-Cast Resin parts & Finish Required. No Assembly needed. Use Doctor Ben's Hypo-Cement to attach tiny delicate parts as well as most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush.. . Part Number: SMM2480

Kitbashing Ideas for the G-Street Warehouse Kit ...

  Some folks have mentioned that they already have a G-Street Warehouse Kit (from 1984) but no where to put this monster ... How about converting it into a Backdrop structure?

At right is a couple of suggestions of how to "kitbash" the G-Street Warehouse into a Backdrop kit. Don't let our suggestions limit the possibilities; it's your pike, arrange them to suit your needs! Also available are Concrete Backdrop Kits #1 & #2 ... no limits to the possibilities!

  As part of our Upcoming "Scratch Buildin' Series", we will offer all four walls, roof, loading docks and doors of this kit for individual purchase. Interested? Let us know!

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