Lookiing for an Easier Process to Weather?

      We hope that everyone is doing what they can to get through all this crazy climate, & wild weather. The chaos of the weather being cold & freezing and two days later in the 60s & 70s.is confusing for kids wal to to school and not knowing what to wear from one day to the next.
   We have a treat for N Scale and HO Scale modelers! Many of you may be very familiar with Doctor Ben’ Corrugated Roofing/Siding Composite Material that is the typical silver color of freshly galvanized metal that looks great on a brand new structure. And what is usually the first thing to do?  Weather it, of course. But what is it is already a warn, light rusty color? Yep; Doctor Ben’s has got that! All you have to do is ask for a sample in your next order!
   In case you missed the announcement, the USPS hhas discontinued the "Regional Flat Rated" boxes. This may be more important to those folks who use this uniquely size USPS packaging. DARN!
  MAR 3, 2023  Atlanta Model Train and Railroadiana Show  Over 350 tables representing dealers from all over the nation will have model items in all gauges and Railroad Antiques for sale. This is Georgia's largest combination show, displaying items.
   Till then, we'll. See you in the Hobby Room ... with washes hands, wearing masks!


  Scale Model Masterpieces (former Thomas A Yorke Ent.)  
Size: 1/4" to 5/8" diameter x 5/16" to 1/2" tall #SMM9311

This product includes one (1) set of 29 Old Tree Stumps shown at right and does NOT include the scenery. These detailed, high-quality Labstone Old Tree Stumps are a natural light tan color and accept paints and stains very well.

Want to know the easiest & fastest way to realistically stain & weather stumps?  We have the *Tips & Techniques* article for you in our Blog! 
Staining & Weathering Tree Stumps with Doctor Ben's, Blog Archives, August 2015

 These Scale Model Masterpieces products are composed of UNFINISHED /UNASSEMBLED Natural  Labstone casting parts-Assembly & Finish Required.  Assembly using Doctor Ben's Hypo-Cement for  tiny delicate parts as well as most plastic cements  and painting may be completed by hand or an air  brush. Want to know how to weather your finished  model? Scroll down to find out how! The above image best describes this item  assembled (required) & its design.

Oh No! Your Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution Dried Up!
  Has this ever happened to you: You found a few minuted to get out in the Hobby Room only to find that you forgot to tighten the lid to the Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution!? NO, Don't Throw it away! ...
  Question from a Doctor Ben's Customer: "My question is about the 2 jars of my favorite Doctor Ben's products - the Realistic Rust and the Grimy Dusty Buff. They have dried up and chunks are in the jars. Can I add some alcohol and maybe a little thinned out white glue to the jars and get them back to working again???
I thought I would ask before I order some more. Will still have to order some more soon but hate to throw this stuff in the trash that is dried up. Thank you for your time, help and products.
  Doctor Ben Answer: Yes, you can add Isopropyl Alcohol (70%) to the dried Doctor Ben's Weathering Solutions to *resurrect* the Solution. Step 1) Depending upon how much was used before drying out, simply add an ounce or so at a time being sure to stir & dissolve the chunk well before adding more IPA, Step 2) Remember to tighten the lid very well when you stomp modeling for the day, & Step 3) Be sure to send us some images of the models that you use Doctor Ben's Products to finish & weather so that we may share them with our many other Customers! Yes, it's all that simple. Remember, Doctor Ben's products "Turns Toys into Models!"
Updated Kit! "The St. Matthew's School House" Historical Kit
by Scale Model Masterpieces formerly Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises
 Footprint: 2-1/2" wide x 4-1/2' long
. Small in stature; huge in detail, the prototype for this structure was one of the hundreds of photographs done for the Farm Security Administration by Walker Evans. The photo for this particular inspiration was about 1936 somewhere in Alabama. This structure is a complete freestanding structure that may be used alone or combined with other period structures. Continued Here!
Stacks 'O Sacks-Corner/L-Shape/Large (2pcs)
Scale Model Masterpieces N/HO/S/O Scales

   Stacks 'O Sacks-Corner/L-Shape (2pcs)... Scale Model Masterpieces DETAIL PARTS are composed of UNFINISHED/UNASSEMBLED Color-Cast resin parts and Assembly & Finish are Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air...
Part Number: SMM5165
Bobby Cops/ Beat Cops/Policemen (3pcs-NOS) Lledo/Days Gone O/On3/On2 1:48
This original lledo figure is seriously too big for the 1;64 scale Lledo/Days Gone vehicles. But, the size is just right for 1;50/1;48 scale. Three (3) UNPAINTED standing figures are included. SEE HERE!

Doctor Ben's Instant Age #1152 Ready-To-Use Weathering Solution for Wood, Plastic, Hydrocal©, Metal & Much More-4oz Jar & 8oz, too!

  When I first began building Fine Scale Miniatures kits  (manufactured by George Sellios) many years ago, the part that I enjoyed the most was the weathering. Nothing irked me more than to build a model in a brand new, pristine condition. I began looking for something more that what the FSM instructions offered. Don't get me wrong, I owe a great deal of what I learned about building models from building early Thomas A. Yorke kits, Model Masterpieces kits, Builders in Scale kits, Timberline kits; heck, there's even a thing or two to learn from building the Campbell kits.

In my quest for the ultimate weathering process I remember that back in the 1980s India Ink and Alcohol were all the rave thanks to a number of popular modelers. And if not careful, it was very easy to "over" apply the mixture resulting in a dark, goth look when viewed under normal lighting covered up much of the model's detail.
  The Doctor Ben's Instant Age takes the original technique one step further with the inclusion of a Doctor Ben's Weathering Pigment. 

Wooden Boxes/ Crates (6pcs) N/HO/S/O Scale





Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Cal Freight) 

N-Scale SMM2139 - HO Scale SMM5139 - S-Scale SMM7139 - O-Scale SMM9339



6pcs-7/16" x 7/16" x 9/16"long Labstone Castings

  These Scale Model Masterpieces Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED/UNASSEMBLED Natural High Quality Labstone castings/parts-Assembly & Finish may be Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Scroll down to find out how! The above image and thumbnail at right best describes this item assembled (required) & its design. The above image/thumbnail best describes this item SIZE, QUANTITY, COLOR, if assembled (required) & its design. Got Questions? Always Ask first! 

Stacks 'O Sacks-Laying On the Ground, Piled up, On a Pallet - Many Configurations and Sizes!
N / HO / S / O Scales!
These Scale Model Masterpieces Labstone Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED and often UNASSEMBLED High Quality, nearly flawless Labstone castings-Assembly & Finish Required.  SEE MORE HERE!

Staining & Weathering Tree Stumps using     Doctor Ben's Weathering


  The "Tips & Techniques" Blog article is more like “how I do it” than a “How-To-Do-It” and this technique works for all scales—Z to 1:1. And yes, a copy of this "Tips & Techniques" Blog article is included with Scale Model Masterpieces Old Tree Stumps sets purchased 

  Please note that this is a very abbreviated how-to description and that the "whole technique' is found on our website Blog by clicking on any of the images in this Newsletter.

  Doctor Ben’s Industrial Weathering Pigments (IWP) are used to paint and color the tree stumps as well as rock work, scenery stains and washes, weathering and you name it. Just like the Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain which also could be use for this technique, these products are very easy to use (no previous experience necessary) by using any Isopropyl rubbing alcohol (70% works fine) as the wetting agent or to turn the dry pigments

into a highly tinted colored liquid.

  There are numerous browns of the Doctor Ben’s Industrial Weathering Pigments to use for the bark. You can pick one that looks best on your layout or mix them up for a more diverse look. Also, you can apply a wash of Aged Driftwood (gray & faded) Rustic Oak (browns & yellows) and Natural Pine (green & mossy) to the colored stumps when you are done for a more faded, natural look. Continued Here  

Weathering Pigment Flavor-of-the-Week:
Light Rust Weathering Pigment-2oz
Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium
  All Doctor Ben's Weathering Solutions are available in 2 ounce wide-mouth recyclable jars individually and in money-saving 27-jar & 8-jar sets as well as an 11-Color Pigment Sampler Set. CLICK HERE to find out more!
Please share your DEBenLLC purchase experience on our website!  Product Reviews are a helpful feature on our website so here is a chance for your to be one of many satisfied customers to share your    DEBenLLC product experiences. .And be sure to Invite your Friends to Like our facebook Page, too! 

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Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising.
Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever

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