New-Old-Stock (NOS) Kit. Good to Excellent Condition.
Buying, Selling, Trading, & Building Fine Scale Miniatures & Craftsman Kits Since 1982
Most of these listings on this website are a compilation of kits for Sale, Trade & Consignment.
We Buy kits at 30% off market prices.
We Sell your kits for you on this website as Consignment and/or on eBay* for a 15% fee.
We Trade kits by bringing the two parties together.
We Build your kits for you.
We make every possible effort to assure that the kit we sell to you is complete and as stated. In the event that there is a problem with your purchase, please contact us immediately. We stand behind each and every transaction as we have done for the past 28+ years. Thank you for being our customer!
If you have a question, Just Askkk!
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