More Hot Summer Products!

Old Tree Stumps-Sloped Surface (7pcs) N/HO/S/O Scale

Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Cal Freight)

N-Scale SMM2411 - HO Scale SMM5300 - S-Scale SMM7300 - O-Scale SMM9300

Old Tree Stumps-Sloped Surface (7pcs-7/16”dia x 3/8”tall)

These Scale Model Masterpieces Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED/UNASSEMBLED Natural Labstone castings/parts-Assembly & Finish may be Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Scroll down to find out how! The above image and thumbnail at right best describes this item assembled (required) & its design. The above image/thumbnail best describes this item SIZE, QUANTITY, COLOR, if assembled (required) & its design. Got Questions? Always Ask first!

Stressing Wood with Doctor Ben's

This technique has probably been covered by a hundred people all with slight variations of how each person does it just a wee bit different. Modelers with more experience may find some of this information familiar; novice modelers may find it useful to overwhelming. For me, the best part of this job is the opportunity to share how I construct models and the techniques that I use to stress and weather them.

The the time requirements needed for the construction of the board-on-board technique Tom Yorke originally designed into the HO & O Scale "the Rustic Stone & Frame Factory" kits has always been one of my least favorite things to do. Still, the affect can be amazing, and the customer wants what the customer wants. Since we purchased the Thomas Yorke Ent. structure lines five years ago, this "the Rustic Stone & Frame Factory" kit has been one of the most requested in the group. This technique and my procrastination to develop "the Rustic Stone & Frame Factory" kit has been the main source of the delay. "the Rustic Stone & Frame Factory" kit instructions notes that this Blog Technique is available on-line to aid the modeler in this step of the HO & O scale kit construction.

Jordan Highway Miniature Kits are composed of UNFINISHED/UNASSEMBLED Plastic Injected parts and Assembly & Finish are Required.
Best product to assemble these kits!

Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush.
NOTE: HO Scale is 1:87 which means that 1/8" = 1 scale FOOT! Approx. Plastic Finished Kit Size: 7/8"x 1-1/8"x 3" Want to know how to weather your finished model? As always, got a question? ASK!