Portals/Walls/Foundations (Multi-Scale)
The re-introduction of the Thomas A Yorke Ent products (2009) has been a long and arduous process. Due to business matters that did not come to fruition, we have had to literally repurchase nearly every single Thomas Yorke kit; inventory the contents; verify the contents count and then log a Materials List for each and every single Yorke kit—and there are hundreds including variations never advertised!
Select an above Sub-Category by clicking on the above Links. There you will find the Scale Sub-Categories as well as the opportunity to download and print a pdf document of the Product List for that Scale.
And in case you are wondering why next to some kit titles, the phrase, 'New-Old-Stock' or NOS, both of these terms means that this is probably an 'original Thomas A Yorke Enterprises or other Brand kit that we have had to purchase to verify the contents as previously described, and then when possible make a few, if needed updates and then since we have what we needed, we then sell the kit. Heck, sometimes we update and reprint the instructions as well as labels. As always we try to be as honest and up front with you so that you have no surprises when you receive your purchase.
Which brings us to Part 2 of this merger: the California Freight & Details Company-HO. The original CAL Freight product lines were developed back in the 1990s and we have been fortunate to purchase the HO line as well as some of the existing HO & N Scale inventory. As this inventory is sold off the product will switch over from the CAL Freight Category on the website to the SMM HO Details Categories. You will know immediately that a product is of the newer SMM because the product will be some color cast resin parts transitioning into Labstone Gypsum and and all of it in SMM packaging.
The following is a link to a pdf of the SMM/Yorke/Cal Freight HO Product List {LINK}. Feel Free to download the pdf to print our for your own references. NOTE: This pdf WILL be added to over time so check back often!
We hope that you will find our SMM products of the same quality and caliber of our Doctor Ben's products and as always, if you like our products, please tell your friends. If not, please let us know why!