Trick or Treat! Which would you prefer?

Do you have a recycling center and no recycled materials? Is it possible to have too many steel & wood sheds? Trick or Treat-Which would you like? Please tell your Friends ... You are our only advertising!
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Newsletter-Oct 13, 2016

We all know size is relative, but what about Labstone vs. resin? Did you miss our Columbus Day Announcement-Last Chance? Where do HO scale model people go when they need to ... maybe someplace new? How did Doctor Ben's Products become so popular worldwide? Please tell your Friends ... You are our only advertising!
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October Product Spotlight!

Do folks actually build model kits anymore? What sort of details would really bring life to a model scene? How did Doctor Ben's Products become so popular worldwide? Want to save 10%? Our Facebook Fan page is getting lot's of Likes & Visits; are you one? Please tell your Friends ... You are our only advertising!
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