March 08, 2023 Blog Newsletter
Posted by Blog Master on 3/8/2023 to
Newsletters & Updates
Lot's of Folks Trying Doctor Ben's! If you missed the Greater Atlanta "Model Train Show" last weekend,, it's one of the hobby's best kept secretes of railroading show we know of. We get visitors from all over the south. We use to be a multi-table Vendor some 15 years ago, bur it just got to be too much for us older folks. Now a days we
March 01, 2023 Blog Newsletter
Posted by Blog Master on 3/1/2023 to
Newsletters & Updates
Looking for an Easier Process to Weather? We hope that everyone is doing what they can to get through all this crazy climate, & wild weather. The chaos of the weather being cold & freezing and two days later in the 60s & confusing for kids wal to to school and not knowing what to wear from one day to the next. We have a treat for N Scale and HO Scale modelers! Many of you may be very familiar with Doctor Ben’ Corrugated Roofing/Siding Composite