Staining & Weathering Tree Stumps with Doctor Ben's
Posted by Richard E. (Ben) Bendever on 8/28/2015 to
Tips & Techniques
This "Tips & Techniques" Blog article will be a more like “how I do it” than a “How-To-Do-It” and this technique works for all scales—Z to 1:1. As you get further into the instructions please try to keep in the back of your mind that this is a “layer” technique where things may look hideous at first, but as the process continues the magic just seemingly occurs.
More Hot Summer Products! 8/21/2015 Newsletter
Posted by Blog Master on 8/21/2015 to
Newsletters & Updates
Has your layout got your "stumped"? Want to know how Doctor Ben's is used to Stress Strip Wood? Guess who has tons of Jordan Vehicles in stock ... all the time? Are you there yet? We're waiting!
Stressing Wood with Doctor Ben's
Posted by Richard E. (Ben) Bendever on 8/18/2015 to
Tips & Techniques
This technique has probably been covered by a hundred people all with slight variations of how each person does it just a wee bit different. Modelers with more experience may find some of this information familiar; novice modelers may find it useful to overwhelming.
DEBenLLC Newsletter: Sent on Tue, Aug 11, 2015
Posted by Blog Master on 8/12/2015 to
Newsletters & Updates
Hot Summer Products from DEBenLLC! Have you said Hello to our *New* little Friend? What's a model railroad layout without Relay Boxes? Guess who just added a bunch of Sequoia Scale Models Detail Parts and have a bunch more coming? Are you there yet? We're waiting!