Staining & Weathering Tree Stumps using Doctor Ben's Weathering The "Tips & Techniques" Blog article is more like “how I do it” than a “How-To-Do-It” and this technique works for all scales—Z to 1:1. And yes, a copy of this "Tips & Techniques" Blog article is included with Scale Model Masterpieces Old Tree Stumps sets purchased Please note that this is a very abbreviated how-to description and that the "whole technique' is found on our website Blog by clicking on any of the images in this Newsletter. Doctor Ben’s Industrial Weathering Pigments (IWP) are used to paint and color the tree stumps as well as rock work, scenery stains and washes, weathering and you name it. Just like the Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain which also could be use for this technique, these products are very easy to use (no previous experience necessary) by using any Isopropyl rubbing alcohol (70% works fine) as the wetting agent or to turn the dry pigments into a highly tinted colored liquid. There are numerous browns of the Doctor Ben’s Industrial Weathering Pigments to use for the bark. You can pick one that looks best on your layout or mix them up for a more diverse look. Also, you can apply a wash of Aged Driftwood (gray & faded) Rustic Oak (browns & yellows) and Natural Pine (green & mossy) to the colored stumps when you are done for a more faded, natural look. Continued Here |