So, yes, we (DEBenLLC) have lots &
lots of stuff going on which is very fortunate because this
is a time of year when this Hobby Industry has a lull due to
school ramping up, sporting seasons ending and beginning,
and in this particular year, here in the United States, we
have Presidental elections and all of the political antics
that seem to be entertaining the entire planet.
That said, we would like to provide
you with an update of a couple of things that we're doing
and why. First, something that we started with the HO Scale
Cal Freight was casting the detail parts using our high
quality Labstone gypsum rather than what many manufactures
use which is a 2-part resin.
There are several great reasons for
casting using Labstone and the first being cost. We are able
to increase the quantity of parts the package for the same
price or less that what the product originally sold for.
Secondly, Labstone does NOT require all the pre-painting
preparation of first washing of the mold release from the
resin casting process and although the Labstone Detail may
have shiny, smooth areas, the porosity of Labstone does not
require the shiny surface to be sanded or scuffed up and/or
primed to enable the detail to hold onto the paint. Which
means that Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains & Solutions are an
ideal finish for the Labstone Details!
The next thing that we are doing is
more easily described in the above image illustrating a few
Cal Freight Details which will function across multiple
scales. What the above image shows that the stacks of boxes
and large transformer which is large for N Scale is nominal
in size for S and O scales. We're not saying that this works
for all details, but in some cases, size is relative and all
about perspective of the environment. Stay tuned! |