Newsletter-Oct 13, 2016!

  So, yes, we (DEBenLLC) have lots & lots of stuff going on which is very fortunate because this is a time of year when this Hobby Industry has a lull due to school ramping up, sporting seasons ending and beginning, and in this particular year, here in the United States, we have Presidental elections and all of the political antics that seem to be entertaining the entire planet.

  That said, we would like to provide you with an update of a couple of things that we're doing and why. First, something that we started with the HO Scale Cal Freight was casting the detail parts using our high quality Labstone gypsum rather than what many manufactures use which is a 2-part resin.

  There are several great reasons for casting using Labstone and the first being cost. We are able to increase the quantity of parts the package for the same price or less that what the product originally sold for. Secondly, Labstone does NOT require all the pre-painting preparation of first washing of the mold release from the resin casting process and although the Labstone Detail may have shiny, smooth areas, the porosity of Labstone does not require the shiny surface to be sanded or scuffed up and/or primed to enable the detail to hold onto the paint. Which means that Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains & Solutions are an ideal finish for the Labstone Details!

  The next thing that we are doing is more easily described in the above image illustrating a few Cal Freight Details which will function across multiple scales. What the above image shows that the stacks of boxes and large transformer which is large for N Scale is nominal in size for S and O scales. We're not saying that this works for all details, but in some cases, size is relative and all about perspective of the environment. Stay tuned!

  Last Chance! This Doctor Ben's Stain Set Special shown below & how you can get 10% Off your entire purchase ends Midnight tonight, EDT! If you're sitting on the fence hoping for something better, we can assure that this really good Offer will not be back anytime soon. Please read on ...
  Just a reminder of this week's Special, continued for the next few days ending midnight Oct 13, 2016 EDT). purchase any one or more of the five Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain Sets (#1076#1077#1078#1079#1080) and using the followingCode: oct16 to get 10% Off everything in your cart! Out-of-Production Kits & Built-Up models NOT included.
Have you created your Wish List on our website yet? If not, Click Here to create you DEBenLLC Gift Registry so that your friends & family know exactly what to get you this year.! Here are a few items that you may consider adding to your list!
  Have a great Columbus Day and don't forget to Friend us on Facebook & Like ourFan page, too!
HO Scale: New Product!

Scale Model Masterpieces (formerly Thomas Yorke & Cal Freight)
Wood & Stone Outhouse-Single Stall Kit
Kit includes structure & roofing shown - HO Scale figure NOT Included.
  Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED/UNASSEMBLED Labstone  parts-Assembly & Finish Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Scroll down to find out how!
  The above image/thumbnail best describes this item SIZE, QUANTITY, COLOR, if assembled (required) & its design. Got Questions? Always Ask first!

By the way ...

  Do you have images of your models using Doctor Ben's Products and/or Scale Model Masterpieces kits & details? Why not share them with the 2,000 Newsletter subscribers and the 14,000 visitors that we have to our website each month. Fire off photos in an email, NOW!

Last Minute Newsletter Addition! Next month on November 19th we're conducting a Hand-On Model Building & Weathering Clinic for the Chattanooga Modular Modelers, Inc. at the "old" NMRA Headquarters and our understanding that this event is going to be open to Public participation! Stay tuned for more details! For quicker & more up-to-date information the Club will have a fb Event Page and an announcement on their website: