Interested in the O Scale "Victorian Brick Building a.k.a Milk Depot Kit"? by Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises/Scale Model Masterpieces O/On3/On2/On30
This little Victorian brick structure makes a fine on-line industry for your pike. Tom Yorke originally used this structure as a milk collection station (a/k/a The Milk Depot). Local dairy farmers would bring in their milk during the wee hours of the morning. The collected milk would then go by rail to a creamery many miles away. Weather this kit is used for this purpose or for another type of co-op, etc., you may agree that it does build into a charming little structure. This *original* Thomas A. Yorke kit (now Scale Model Masterpieces) has been give a renewed life with lots of updates and additions including the instructions, wood ramp & Precision Cut one-piece trusses! And, you will be able to select which style of Doctor Ben's Shingles, Corrugated Metal, or Copper roofing that you would like for this fine model. Stay Tuned for more Updates! We do have a couple of Requests for this kit so we're seriously considering the release of this kit if there is enough interest. Let us know by clicking on the image and at the bottom of the description add your name to the Waiting List! |