Spring Break has Sprung!

 Well, it’s Spring Break Week and the TV is showing the Atlanta Airport is super busy! We're getting very excited about visiting with Debbie’s soon-to be 102 year old Mom in Maryland for her big day. It's typically a 12-14 hour drive only stopping for gas, switching drivers, and bathroom breaks. We'll be gone for about two weeks beginning sometime the last week in April.
  Anyway, we've been very, very busy even though a lot of folks have been able to return back to work. Typically this is the start of our season slowing down. We've had a lot of new customers find us through Google and/or word-of-moth from other modelers using Doctor Ben's or building our Scale Model Masterpieces kits and details. We've received a ton of compliments on our Labstone cast details. So many modelers find the Labstone so much easier to modify and paint compared to white metal and the hassle of preparing resin castings! Sure wish folks would send me some pictures!
   Here's a ear;u Easter Treat  Doctor Ben's Spring Break 2-Day Website is 7% Off* till Midnight. April 9, 2022 Only! Scroll on down in this Newsletter to Basket of Sweet Treats!: . That's right, 
   So, we'll see you in the Hobby Room & here are a couple of modeling product ideas for you...
What do you get when you combine a group of Scale Model Masterpieces Details into a group? Well for starters, we have this HO Scale Vertical Boiler & Water tank Mini Scene for a introductory price! Other Scale Now Available! Click the Image!
Modeling with Doctor Ben's Products

  Emilian's son constructed this On30 Engine House using just over a bag of Doctor Ben's Rustic Lumber ... Hopefully, we'll get some more images of Emilian's work real soon!
  Do you have images of your models using Doctor Ben's Products and/or Scale Model Masterpieces kits & details? Why not share them with the 1,500 Newsletter subscribers and the 14,000 visitors that we have to our website each month. Fire off and email, NOW!

 We "use" to have four flavors of Doctor Ben's Rustic Lumber: Natural (#4300), Driftwood, Cresote, & Pickled . Today only the Natural remains. The three products are easily "tinted" by you using our Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains and you save money. By the way, not to be a name dropper; but both Brian Nolan & Dave Revelia both use our Doctor Ben's products to finish their award winning dioramas! So, in other words, if you want to make your models looks as bad as their models look, you have to use what Brian & Dave use!

 Railroad Roundhouse Stove Kits (3kits-Stoves & Vent Pip/Tubing)

DETAIL PARTS are composed of UNFINISHED/UNASSEMBLED Cast Labstone & plastic tubing parts and Assembly & Finish are Required. Assembly using most plastic cements and painting may be completed by hand or an air brush. Want to know how to weather your finished model? Scroll down to find out how! The above image and thumbnail at right best describes this item assembled (required) & its design.

Wooden Barrels/Casks for Wine, Beer, Spirits, Oil, Water, Flour, Nails, and stuff. Note: This Item shown in the image is stained with Doctor Ben's #1081 Realistic Oak to show Detail. Item Consists of 10pcs-5 Open / 5 Closed - 3/8”dia x 7/16”tall   LabStone
 Details are a staple of any scale model scene and what can be more popular than wood barrels. We have lots in many scale you should check them out! Click Here!

Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution Sets#DBZ1180 - Doctor Ben's Solution Set #1 Doctor Ben's 8-Color Solution Set #2Doctor Ben's 4-Color Solution Set #3Doctor Ben's How To Booklet #1

Doctor Ben's Solution Set

Doctor Ben's Solution Set SMM3119 - Scale Model Masterpieces Craftsman Kit

  All About Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution Products 4oz & 8oz Jars  

When I first began building Fine Scale Miniatures kits  (manufactured by George Sellios) many years ago, the part that I enjoyed the most was the weathering. Nothing  irked me more than to build a model in a brand new, pristine condition. I began looking for something more that what the FSM instructions offered. Don't get me wrong, IDBZ1154 - Doctor Ben's Weathering Solutionowe a great deal of what  I learned about building models from building early Thomas A. Yorke kits, Model Masterpieces kits, Builders in Scale kits, Timberline kits; heck, there's even a thing or two to learn from building the Campbell kits.

In my quest for the ultimate weathering process I remember that I found a four-step, four bottle product back in the 1980s that stated it came from the guy's driveway and I tried this for a while. I then I tried the 'Steel wool & vinegar rust' process. This I really liked, but the thought of the rusting processing continuing even after the application scared me. I tried flushing with water, but this washed the finer particles away, and I still was not sure that the rusting process had been stopped. I even tried sealing the finish with a dull coat—too labor intensive. And then one day I literally fell over an idea as  I was helping my brother install some custom cabinets on a commercial job site.

The long story short is that although my formula has changed over the years, AND, a lot of folks have tried real hard to copy my Doctor BeHow To #1 Bookletn's products, but they still haven't come close. Several even posed as 'friends' to get the formulas. Today, you can buy various weathering powders (NOTE: some are just ground artists chalk and/or tempra finger paint powders), and there are folks are offering stuff used to tint wet concrete (yes, really!), but nobody—nope nobody— has a weathering solution OR an industrial weathering pigment that will perform anything like the Doctor Ben's products do.

  Using this Doctor Ben's Product: Weathered Rust differs from Realistic Rust in that it is more like the rust that you would see on old farm equipment sitting out in the field—dampened by the morning dew slowly etching away at the metal surface. The Weathering Solutions are a topical application that does not affect the surface integrity of the model. This product has built in adhesive polymers that enable it to stick to any surface. Get too much on and want to remove it? Not a problem, read on about all the great uses in the product description. You will not be disappointed. Join the many thousands of satisfied modeler using Doctor Ben's!

 Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium Products are Developed  Directly from the Creations of NMRA National Award Winning Dioramas by Richard E. (Ben) Bendever

"Scale Products for Discriminating Modelers"

DEBEN LLC Web Design & Maintenance
Copyright © DEBENLLC. All rights reserved
"Back Road Buildin's" HO & O Warehouse #2 Kits!
Shipping the Warehouse #2 kit again this week. If you've not yet received a Shipping Confirmation email, please be patient. Just like The Grocery Kit #9150 we've been a little overwhelmed with orders. We expect to have the last of the Warehouse #2 kit shipped by tomorrow. Please read the information on the website as how your Club might use this kit as a fundraiser!

Want To Get a $2500 Referral?

   While we have been extremely successful in building the businesses that we offer For Sale, health issues have restricted many opportunities to grow this business even more than it has grown over the past 16+ years. That said, we feel that this opportunity has not yet reached its total potential and some of the below Questions and Replies provide a fair amount of information of material and resources are included in this purchase as well as what may be possible to grow this business even further. 
Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium - Scale Model Masterpieces/Thomas A. Yorke Ent. - California Freight & Details Company - Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette - Grandt Line Products - And many, Many more products... Practically 1,000 items!

   The re-introduction of the Thomas A Yorke products has been a long and arduous process. Due to business matters that did not come to fruition, we have had to literally repurchase nearly every single Thomas Yorke kit; inventory the contents; verify the contents count and then log a Materials List for each and every single Yorke kit—and there are hundreds including variations never advertised!  This is an amazing opportunity for the right person!

Welcome to the  Doctor Ben's . com Spring Break  2-Day Event!

Everything* in this Doctor Ben's Spring Break 2-Day Website is 7% Off* till Midnight. April 9, 2022 Only! 
  Sale Code to use at Checkout:  sbs2022 required!
 Just spend $49 and the website does all the rest for you. All Credit Cards- AMEX, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and Paypal, Checks, and Money Orders, too! Sale runs April 9, 2022 Midnight EST. Happy Savings! 

  * Code: sbs2022must be used at time of purchase with a $49 Minimum www.DrBens.com Website Order of $49. Purchase must be made on www.drbens.com website - DeBenLLC.com. Ebay, Etsy, & eCrater purchases cannot be combined to amount to the $49 minimum.

Please share your DEBenLLC purchase experience on our website!  This is a new feature on our website is a chance for you to share with the many satisfied customers of our DEBenLLC products. . And be sure to Invite your Friends to Like our facebook Page, too! 
   DEBenLLC & Doctor Ben's Facebook Pages Social Networks!

Click here for the Doctor Ben's Facebook Page - Like Us Here!

Click here for the DEBENLLC Facebook Fan Page - Like Us Here!

Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising.
Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever

Scale Model Masterpieces...
Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium...