What's Goin' On Here!

Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain Progress

  We thought that since Summer is seasonably slow for the Hobby Industry that this would be a quick Project. OK, we've been really busy and progress is a bit slower than we expected. But if you have been following us on facebook, we've been posting the progress on our Fan Page. Anyway, we've gotten nice Samples posted to date starting at Aged Driftwood #1097 and currently we've counted down to Rustic Barn Red #1089.  Nine stains down; almost 20 more to go! Yes, there ARE that many Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains ... and another new one coming soon! What will it be? Stay tuned ...


Updating a familiar product!

Tarpaper for the Scale Model Masterpieces / Thomas A Yorke Ent. Industrial Engine Shed Kit #3110

Originally, I had planned on using the Builder's in Scale tarpaper, but that would only increased costs into the production of the kit. And so I did what I promised myself that I would not do and that was I shoved a square peg into a round hole and all I ended up with was a square peg with rounded edges or in other words, I struggles to develop a tarpaper that I would be happy with both in terms of cost and looks.

Enter our two Tarpaper styles: Pitched and/or Rolled available in three colors (for now)-Red Oxide; Worn Gray; & Durty Black. The difference between Pitched and Rolled is that although both styles are approximately three (3) scale feet wide; the Pitched Tarpaper is laid our in 10-12 scale foot lengths and more of a patchwork of repair over time, hence the ragged tarred seams and the shading variation of the different sections. As for the Rolled Tarpaper style, since tarpaper typically comes in 50 foot rolls there are only tarred seams where the three-foot widths come together. To read the rest of the story CLICK HERE or the above image!

Doctor Ben's BLOG Topic of the Week: 

How-To: Build the Scale Model Masterpieces "Practice Wall Kit" 

   Over the past few years, since we purchase the Thomas A. Yorke Enterprises. Structure kit line (now Scale Model Masterpieces), we have been slowly updating many kits, including this "Practice Wall Kit" (#3101 & #9101).
   It is official; we have a great new look for an old friend! Our kit instructions will reference this Blog Posting to supplement the kit instructions... CLICK HERE or the image at left for the rest of the story...