Are you ready for Fall? We are!

  WOW! What a week we've had ... We offered an unannounced Wednesday Flash Sale that buried us in orders; we've received a cold blast of Canadian air dropping our temperature twenty degrees; and Debbie & I are celebrating of 21st Anniversary with our annual 1-day pilgrimage to Helen, Georgia!
  So I apologies for a late newsletter I do have a bunch of updates to post but there's only so much time in the day. We've been thinning names on our Newsletter subscriber list and one way to do that is to remove duplicate Contacts from the list. Some folks have an old account or created a new account on our website because they forgot their password of log on ID and other folks will have two accounts with two email addresses. The system will identify and try to determine the most relevant account and the Archive the duplicate account. We'll run the website account though the  system over the next couple of weeks. If you have a duplicate account, please go ahead and remove the one that you do not want to keep so that the system doesn't have to make the decision for you. We have almost 6,000 contact and it's easy to get lost in the crowd.
  All that said, have a great week and feel free to call with questions or assistance... just not tomorrow! See you in the Hobby Room... BTW  At right is our Single Stall Shortline/Industrial Engine Shed Craftsman Kit... SEE Here
Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain "Flavor of the Week!"!

Nautical Teak Weathering Stain Details

   One of my many favorite Doctor Ben's Weathering Stains is Natural Teak #1084. I will confess that some modelers are scared of from using this stain because of the color that they see in the jar. Little do most folks realize is that acrylic colors dry a different color that the color that
  Using this Doctor Ben's Product: Ever since 1991 we have offered Doctor Ben's Aged Driftwood Weathering Stain as a non-petroleum, identical color match replacement for the long defunct Floquil Flo-Stains© products; especially Floquil Driftwood stain made famous by the Fine Scale Miniatures kit instructions of the 1970s to present. Thousands of jars of Doctor Ben's Aged Driftwood Weathering Stain have been sold with equally thousands of satisfied customers. 
 Piggyback/Intermodal Concrete Loading Yard Ramp Kit N & HO
Scale Model Masterpieces/Thomas A Yorke Product

High Quality Light Weight Labstone/Dental Stone Casting Material
Size: SEE Image
  This Piggyback/Intermodal Loading Ramp Kit is assembled and ready to weather and install. You will receive 5 pieces: the Ramp, Two Boxes & Two Metal Drums ....
 Instructions to Weather this Kit - Seriously, this is NOT rocket science-it’s just weathering! We applied two coats of Doctor Ben’s Instant Age Weathering Solution (#1152) diluted 50/50 with Isopropyl Alcohol (70%) allowing the IA to dry between coats & then applied diluted Doctor Ben’s Realistic Rust Weathering Solution (#1150) down the steel plates imbedded in the ramp.Read More ...

   "Back Road Buildin's"            Thrasher Bros. Warehouse No.1 O/1:48 Scale Kit
  Believe it or not, Thrasher Bros is a real prototype structure that is still standing and in use as a museum today! But the down side of the "re-issue" of this kit is that the windows are no longer available and laser cut windows now being included in this kit is that the cost to produce the kit is slightly higher than planned. And did you know that this structure and it's two loading docks rest of 24 brick and 9 concrete piers? That's a lot of footers!

  As you can see in the image on the website that the Laser Cut Rafter Tails & Fascia are stained Doctor Ben's Pacific Redwood #1088. I also did the Pilot Model horizontal siding a very, very light Doctor Ben's Black Mahogany #1086 and some Doctor Ben's Antique White #1094 trim and Doctor Ben's Realistic  Oak #1081 shingles on the front wall. The corrugated metal for the roof will be Faded Boxcar Red #1069.  CLICK HERE to read more!

Worn Brick Weathering Pigment 2oz Re-Sealable Jar
Doctor Ben’s Scale Consortium

  We sincerely believe that this is the most realistic topical application that you will ever find-guaranteed! Doctor Ben's Worn Brick Weathering Pigments are intensely strong but easily thinned with Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol (or water) to reduce its preferred intensity.
  Using Doctor Ben's Worn Brick Weathering Pigments is ideal for adding the realistic weathered look by applying this product dry with a stiff hobby brush or using the lid for the jar to create a pallet from which various intensities may be created to flow into cracks and crevasses creating the illusion of shadows and depth. All this and much, much more is found Read More ...

 Scale Model Masterpieces-Boxes & Blocks & Bricks--Oh My!
    A few years ago we purchase the California Freight & Details Co HO product line. And even with all the noise about bringing on board the Cal Freight N Scale Detailsbelieve it or not, we still have a number of the HO Scale Detail parts that we have yet to release.

  So, Here are four (4) newly released palleted sets: SMM5000-Palleted Boxes-Large w/Risers (2pcs)SMM5004-Palleted Boxes-Medium w/Risers (2pcs); SMM5010-Palleted Boxes-Small w/Risers (2pcs); & SMM5075-Palleted Cement Blocks-w/Risers (2pcs). Save 12% over purchasing all four individually! Item #SMM5003.

Doctor Ben's How-To #4: "Hot Glue Casting" Booklet Available!   
  A number of years ago I was browsing through my old Gazette magazines and I picked up the January/February 1982 issue where I found an interesting article. In this long-out-of print magazine, I found an article about casting detail parts. In that article Terry Metcalfe described how he cast parts by melting beads of a thermoplastic called “Makit and Bakit” beads in RTV molds using an ordinary kitchen oven. I decided that this process was definitely NOT going to work for me.
  As a former Mold Maker/Tool & Die maker, I am quite familiar with the plastic injection process which if you were not aware is how many of our daily plastic products are made. I tried Terry's technique several times in my plethora of RTV rubber molds and I just could not get them to come out as well as his article discussed. One day I happened to be using a hot glue gun in my hobby room and I had an epiphany. And the rest is history....

  It has been nearly 30 years since my "Hot Glue Casting" technique was published in the "Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette" magazine. Although this innovative process hasn't changed much over time, the availability and cost of Room Temperature Vulcanizing Silicone (RTV) as well as weathering and finishes has had some significant innovations. Now is as good a time as any to refresh this article with additional information and lots more color photos than was in the original publication.             (16pgs color & B/W) Read More ..

 Railroad Relay/Electronics Cabinets-Large (4pcs)
Scale Model Masterpieces/Thomas A Yorke Product
  SCALE MODEL MASTERPIECES High Quality Light Weight Labstone/Dental Stone Casting Material
Size:  SEE Image
  Instructions to Weather this Product - Seriously, this is NOT rocket science-it’s just weathering! We applied two coats of Doctor Ben’s Instant Age Weathering Solution (#1152) diluted 50/50 with Isopropyl Alcohol (70%) allowing the IA to dry between coats & then applied diluted Doctor Ben’s Realistic Rust Weathering Solution (#1150) down the steel plates imbedded in the ramp.
   Scale Model Masterpieces Detail Parts are composed of UNFINISHED Natural Labstone castings & Finish Required. Read More ...

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  Click here for the DEBenLLC Facebook Page - Friend Us Here!

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Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising. Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever