One Week Later; Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!?
   We hope that you are having a great New Year celebration! We know that there are lots of things going on with all the college football playoffs, an upcoming Super Bowl game and oh yes, our return home. In case you missed it, our original departure was delayed a week due to a catastrophic transmission failure. We did make it safely to Delaware and depending upon weather conditions we should be heading back home this weekend.
  We would like to say a very Special Thank You to all our customers who placed orders over the holidays and are patiently awaiting the arrival of their purchases. You may be assured that we will work extra hard to get everyone's order out just a s soon as we return safely home.
  All that said we have been diligently working on our two new websites in anticipation of one or both businesses being sold as well as installing a new SSL certificates on our website. Google made the announcement last month that all web pages AND images now require SSL or Google would NOT post website searches . Well, we can't have that so all three websites will be in Google Compliance! That's all for now .... See you in the Hobby Room!

New Product: Two-Stall Short Line/ Industrial Engine House Kit - HO
 Drive Thru 1 & 2 Door Options Available - HO Foot Print: 6” x 9”lg (10-3/4” w/Lean-to)

  Yes, we know that you've been waiting a very long time for this announcement, and it's finally here! The image at right is what this Two Stall Engine House (drive thru option available) looks like naked-without any weathering. The sliding doors are positioned in place ready to be attached to the massive I-beam & support just as soon as the inspection pit and track are installed. And I may not have mentioned, the roof for this model is "removable" which will make the inspection pit (included) and track an easy install.Eventually, we'll sell this finished model, but that will have to wait until next year!
    Please CLICK HERE for lots more details about the amazing craftsman kit.

Doctor Ben's Industrial Weathering Pigment Products
 This is a much bigger container of weathering product than the little thimble that other folks offer-PROMISE! ... They're Not a Powder and They're Not a Chalk, They ARE Industrial!
 Using Doctor Ben's Industrial Weathering Pigments®
As a single component of the Doctor Ben's Weathering Products, the Industrial Weathering Pigments are an even more powerful tool in creating a realistic Model. Not a powder, not a chalk, the Doctor Ben's Industrial Weathering Pigments are very easily applied using a soft, but stiff, brush. However, be careful, a little bit goes a very long way!  Please CLICK HERE for lots more details about the amazing Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution products!.
Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution Products
  One day I literally fell over an idea as I was helping my brother install some custom cabinets on a commercial job site. The long story short is that although my formula has changed over the years, AND, a lot of folks have tried real hard to copy my Doctor Ben's products, but they still haven't come close. I do say that this product might not be for everyone; but the fact that we have sold tens-of-thousands of jars of Weathering Solutions leads me to think that folks like using our Doctor Ben's products--a lot! all of which are Ready-To-Use Weathering Solutions (4oz jar) for Wood, Plastic, Hydrocal©, Metal & Much More
  Please CLICK HERE for lots more details about the amazing Doctor Ben's Weathering Solution products!.

Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain Products

   For years Richard E. Bendever has used these versatile non-petroleum Weathering Stains to stain, finish & weather the many craftsman and scratchbuilt models he had been constructing for many, many customers. So when that once famous—now defunct—Floquil® Flo-Stain product line started going for more than a $100 a bottle on eBay in the late 1980s; Richard, now Doctor Ben’s, decided offer an Aged Driftwood Weathering Stain as an exact color match to the 1983 Floquil Driftwood stain. As this amazing Doctor Ben's product became increasingly popular all over the world, additional Weathering Stain colors were slowly created until there were enough for one Weathering Set; and then another; and then another set. It has been several years now and boy the Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain color selection has grown by leaps and bounds! CLICK HERE for more about the Doctor Ben's Weathering Stain story!

Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium 2018 Catalog 12-page booklet

  Last Chance: FREE with $20 purchase of Doctor Ben's Products! NOTE: To Receive a Complimentary Doctor Ben's 2018 Catalog Booklet with $20 Purchase of Doctor Ben's Products (any combination) & request a free 2018 Catalog in the Checkout Comments box (at the bottom of the page) before making payment. No Coupon is Required!

  Or just download the pdf and print it yourself on your own printer!

1) Download the pdf-CLICK HERE! 2) If your printer does NOT print double sided, ... CLICK HERE for the rest of the instructions.

  And don't forget about Free First Class/Parcel Post Shipping this weekend! Spend $20 and use the Code: fsw17 and postage doesn't cost you a penny!

Please help us and we will reward you!

   Simply submit a Website Product Review for for any item(s) on our website and receive FREE Economy USPS Postage on your next order, too!  This is a brand new feature on our website so here is a chance for your to be one of the first customers to share your DEBenLLC product experiences. . And be sure to Invite your Friends to Like our facebook Page, too! 
  And finally, Yes, the United States Postal Service has announced yet another postal rate increase this month.  This may be your last chance to take advantage of current postal rates before the big increase!

 DEBenLLC & Doctor Ben's Facebook Pages Social Networks!

Click here for the Doctor Ben's Facebook Page - Like Us Here!

Click here for the DEBENLLC Facebook Fan Page - Like Us Here!

Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising.
Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever